Chapter eight

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Her eyes met amber ones.

"Hoshka!" She exclaimed in shock as the gray female bounded over to Howl and Alpha's sister with a slight pep in her step.

She seemed to be doing better than she was earlier. Losing someone was hard on her.

She must have blamed herself for allowing someone like Alpha get lost.

"Howl!" Hoshka barked once more. Her tail swayed to and fro.

"Are you joining the search?" She asked the older wolf.

Hoshka nodded. Her amber eyes were glowing slightly.

"Yes, I owe it to Alpha to help find him. He saved my life once you know." She barked.

Howl's eyes widened.

"Wow! Really?!" She breathed out, astonished.

Hoshka dipped her head in conformation.

"Alpha is amazing!" Howl breathed, and Hoshka turned to talk to a different wolf.

"Amithio!" Hoshka greeted the dark gray wolf.

It seems he was on the search team too.

The dark gray wolf dipped his head in greeting.

"Howl," the Alpha's sister woofed, ensuring her attention was back on the yellow eyed wolf.

Howl turned to the medium gray wolf, meeting her yellow eyes.

"My name is Daynia." The gray wolf introduced herself, her pelt shaking.

She was very shy.

Howl wanted to assure her that she would be okay near her, but Howl knew that it took time to get to know another wolf.

Howl dipped her head, her tail going between her legs. She wanted to let Daynia know she could count on her.

"Nice to meet you, Daynia." She yipped as a dark gray almost black wolf lifted his tail.

"Silence!" The dark gray wolf barked, his dark blue eyes blazing with authority.

It was Sunyo.

He was definitely a good leader.

Howl once remembered from her early pup days when she was stuck in the camp, Sunyo would be one of those wolves who took charge, asking Beta and Alpha if he could take a patrol out to search for food and to look for potential enemies.

Howl remembered they had more allies than enemies.

The only true enemy they had besides the wolf, Rakoshokch, was the unicorns.

It was more on the peaceful side, but you could never be too careful. Never know when other wolves might want to attack.

They did have allies. Howl remembered a brown group of wolves visiting at one point. They helped. In fact, they visited specifically to offer parts of their land.

Howl thought that was something else.

It was almost unreal what the brown wolves did. Almost suspicious.

All wolves were focused on the black-gray wolf, some glancing up at him like he had no right to be a leader while others seemed pleased someone took charge instead of them.

Mixes of gray pelts and eyes of all colors, mostly amber, set their gazes on their apparent leader. They awaited instructions.

"Thank you for giving me your attention. This whole patrol will need to work together, whether it's to find Alpha or his body, in order for this search to work." Sunyo barked.

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