Chapter four

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Hoshka gave a quick nod to the Omega. "Yes. I was pretty sure it was him. He had a gray spot on his back as well." She informed the Omega.

The white wolf's jaw dropped.

What? He might have been a hangry red wolf, but I didn't think he was capable of murder. If he was, then why didn't he kill me? The white wolf wondered, her heart racing.

There was not a moment of time left for her to ponder this though as Omega placed a pas on Hoshka's shoulder. "I apologize deeply for your loss, Hoshka. But who is this other red wolf? I don't remember Rakoshokch having a gray spot on his back. Who is this other wolf?" Omega wondered, confusion lighting his dark eyes.

Hoshka's vision went to the ground. Emotions unreadable.

Her head lifted back up to meet the Omega's eyes.

"This other wolf is called Spot. He wasn't merciful at all. I barely escaped without a scratch on my pelt." She told them, her Amber eyes flickering between Omega and the ground.

Her body shook with fear, her legs barely supporting her.

Poor Hoshka. It must be hard to lose such a valuable member of your family. I fell your pain. I lost them. All of them. The white wolf shivered, feeling the overbearing pain of the emotion appearing.

She shook it off.

She had to be brave. For her new family. They might not be white wolves, but they--Omega--was the closest thing she had to a family.

"Spot? What kind of stupid name is that? Sounds like one of those Metal-Lovers names." One gray wolf piped up. He was called Darhue.

It was true. That's the wolves name for the creatures that didn't have any fur. None except for on their heads. They looked absolutely ridiculous.

The white wolf shivered. I hope I never have to see those creatures. I heard they think they're so much better than other creatures that they capture them to hold them forever or kill them!

Her tail went between her legs at the thought.

"Just when we exhiled one wolf! Now another one is out for who know what!" Whimpered a young wolf pup. She had such pretty colors. Probably one of the most pretty wolves in the pack.

Her mother, a light gray wolf by the name of Kinaha, wrapped her tail around her and brought her close.

"Don't worry, Renji. That awful wolf won't harm you my precious daughter." The other light gray, yet younger, she-wolf had doubt swamping her vision.

Her azure eyes glazed over with so much emotion. So much for a younger pup.

The white wolf knew it was lucky that the young pup had a name. It was only Alpha who was convinced this trial was needed.

All the other wolves knew she was ready, or at least didn't think she was a threat to the pack.

"What do we do now, Omega? Alpha isn't here, and there's no one else to lead us." Hoshka asked the Omega, her fast breathing somehow going even faster now.

Omega shook his head. "I do not know. We should first send some patrols-" he began.

Renji interrupted him. "To kill that red wolf who killed Wheshor?! Brilliant idea!" The light gray pup bounced on her toes.

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