Chapter six

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The white wolf's eyes shined. She was getting her name? Right now? I'm so excited! He thought with a bounce of her feet.

She turned her gaze back towards the Beta. She dipped her head in respects before she responded to the she-wolf. A whine of excitement rumbled within her throat. "My name?" She woofed, liking the sound the words made in her belly.

Feria's throat chuckled in amusement. The gray she-wolf dipping her head in a nod. "Of course, young one. You are old enough to be a full wolf now, my dear." Feria promised.

The white wolf excitedly yipped. She was gonna get her name!

"Of course I want my name!" She barked. "But right now?" She asked, her tail slightly wagging in her happy trails.

Feria turned tail, turning her head to lock eyes with the white wolf. "Yes, right now. Come on, the whole pack will be gathering to see what name I give you, young one." She addressed.

By now, the whole pack seems to be gathering around Feria. Barely any room was left.

The wolves parted as all eyes were on the white wolf for her full wolf naming ceremony. Usually when a wolf gets a name they have a pup name, but since the white wolf never had a pup name they always addressed her based on the color of her pelt. They were all gray wolves, while she was a white wolf. It was all a custom.

Though, from some of her experience in her short life she had seen one or two wolf pups keep their name since the Alpha liked the names too much.

Feria cleared her throat, making sure all the gossiping wolves were quiet. The wolves around were wondering what name Feria had in mind for her.

The white wolf had no idea what possible names there were to receive. There's so many weird wolf names. Alpha has a thing for weird names. The white wolf noted as she was nosed forward by the Omega.

"Go on ahead. This is your time, young white pup. You will be a full wolf soon. Your place in the pack has only just begun." He told her, licking tufts of her fur into place.

My place in this pack? Am I starting to have a place? The white wolf thought as she took a step toward, the Omega's cleaning practically done. But, she thought, turning her head back towards the Omega. Am I really willing to leave behind Omega? Then the white wolf shook her head. What she was thinking was ridiculous.  Just because I become a full member doesn't mean Omega's place in my heart will still be there. She pondered.

She took a deep breath as she turned back forward, placing a foot forwards, her tail lifted as high as her chin. She was proud. This was a mother's dream for her pups if they survived.

Mother. The white wolf thought, pushing back the sadness that welled in her throat.

She walked forwards, ignoring the gnawing feeling of loneliness in her chest. She had her own pack, now. And even if they were gray and not white, they were still like family. The only family I have left at this point. She thought, stepping towards the middle of the weird oval the pack had made in order to both show their respects towards her becoming a full wolf and to make sure all eyes and ears were on the ceremony. The passage towards becoming a full wolf and beyond was an amazing feat.

Sure, the white wolf hunted only a rabbit, but that was only the last part of her "training."

Her training went on for a dozen or so cycles of the waning and waxing moon. It was a tradition to do so. Renji was close to beginning her training cycles too. Within one moon she would be taking quests and hunting for the pack in hopes she would get her full name. If Renji wasn't her full name already.

"White wolf," Feria began, bringing the practically full wolf out of her thoughts. "You have been in our pack for moons on end. Waxing, waning. You have finally become a full pack member, young white wolf. You came to us in a river, practically drowning before our nice Omega came to rescue you with the Alpha by his side. We were weary at first, wolves before you came into our pack. Some were nice, but others..."

Feria shivered as she continued her speech. For the first time the Beta had to do such a speech, it was beginning to turn into one of the better ones.

"Others were not so nice. Some of them tried to destroy our Alpha. Each one failed, as our Alpha is one of the strongest pack members we have. But tonight, he is missing, so I will have the pleasure of naming you. Alpha has told me the desired name he wants for you. Now, tonight, you will hear it spoken for the first time by me, Feria your Beta, and from this day forward you shall not be called white wolf, for you are now a full fledged member of such a noble pack as ours."

"White wolf, this name I grant upon you will be one of most highest honor, as no other pack will have a wolf like you. White wolf, from this day forward unless you become Beta or Alpha, you shall be declared by the name of Howl. For you, are not a rogue wolf, but the last of your kind. Howl, you are named after not your pelt, but how your spirit howls with us. It howls each and every day, and it will continue to howl with your new name. Welcome, from the pack. You are now a full member of the pack." Feria barked.

The rest of the pack howled with the new name. The new name was the name of what every wolf was doing tonight: howl. They were howling.

My name. It's a nice name. Nothing like Feria or Renji. It's still a nice name. Not too strenuous on the mouth or too difficult.

Howl, loving her new name, was approached by the Omega. "Congratulations," he woofed, laying his tail on her pelt. "Howl, you are now a full wolf of this pack. The first white wolf ever to be a full member of a gray pack. How do you feel?" He asked, blinking his eyes at her. "It's good not to be called those other names. I am a white wolf, but it feels great to be known as Howl. It's a cool name." She admitted with her Amber eyes shining.

The wolves that were gathered around were starting to scatter. Some of them yawned. It was definitely past the young pup's bedtimes.

Renji opened her mouth cutely, letting her long tongue poke out. Her growing teeth bared as her mouth opened for a yawn.

"Pack," Feria addressed them. They turned to her, tipping their heads awaiting more commands. "It is now time for us to go to bed. I will need three volunteers from this pack to guard the camp while we sleep. Tonight, we must keep our eyes out for our Alpha or any sign of his death. Tomorrow, Howl, and several other wolves will go searching for our pack leader."

Feria turns to Howl. "If that's okay with you."

Howl dips her head in respect. "I'll go. Alpha has provided me with the opportunity to live in a pack, where others wouldn't. I owe him my life." Howl yipped.

Feria's eyes shone with approval. "Then, goodnight, Howl. Get some rest for tomorrow. Because tomorrow you will be searching for Alpha. May you and the rest of the chosen find him." Feria woofed with a sort of urgent graveness in her voice.

Author's Note: the white wolf finally has her name. And it's Howl. Thank you so much for read, and thanks so much for the support so far! More to come! And, if you would be so kind to remind of some pack names as I may have forgotten those and their eye colors if you can. Anyways, until chapter seven, hope you enjoyed.

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