Chapter one

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A white she-wolf hid in the shadows of the rock. This is the pup that was orphaned. The shapeshifting wolf was hiding from the eagle above. " Caw caw! I thought I saw a white body down below." The eagle told his companion. " Dumbass. There's nothing white below us except clouds!" The other eagle said to the eagle, winging him with his wing.

The white wolf down below stayed hidden. I must stay hidden. Those eagles are scary. She thought with a whimper. Ever since she got captured by those fiends she's been hiding from them. Now that she's bigger she was no longer in the care of the omega. She was the one white wolf in the pack of gray wolves.

Today she was proving she could earn her true name. She had always been known as 'Pup' or ' Transformer.' Yes, her kind of wolves can shape shift. That's why the gray wolves are always ticked at her, and then there are the timber wolves...they're just always ticked.

Her job was to catch something for the Alpha. The judgmental wolf was constantly on her tail to make her fit in. He would always have her do the dirty work. She has constantly put hide over tail for him to make sure the pack had enough to eat, and made sure no predators were around.

No one was here to help her with Eagles now. She unveiled herself. The Eagles swooped around her. " A white wolf!" The eagle gasped. " I thought they were all gone!" The other one cawed. " Shall we catch it?" The first asked with clear excitement in his eyes. The other shook his head. " Too big and fat to carry."

The two then flapped off and the white wolf slunk forward. What should she get for her entitled Alpha today? Deer? Moose? That fish that's just flopping there on the land obviously about to die?

She reached out for the fish, but a paw slammed on her's. She helped with pain as she drew her paw back, growling. A male red wolf about her age was glaring at her as he picked up the fish. " Find your own fish." He snarled as he swiped at her with a paw.

Usually when an animal sees her they notice how she's the last white wolf of her kind, but this red wolf obviously didn't seem to care. He had a darker red spot on his back. " What are you staring at?" He growled at her, hackles raised in threat. The white wolf took a step back. She lowered herself. " Sorry. I didn't know this fish was yours." She barked as she backed up some more.

She really didn't want to cause trouble, especially if it meant she was killed before she could receive her name. She was the oldest wolf to be receiving her name. They other gray wolves had to be sure that she was trustworthy, and as of today she has proven herself to be a fine, loyal wolf of the pack.

I just hope this red wolf doesn't kill me. She thought as she whimpered. Though she couldn't help but let her gaze travel over his skinny form. Does he need this fish? She continued investigating the look of this red wolf. She could see the ribs jutting out from his skin.

He looked like he could be snapped in half with one crunch of an opponent's fang. His red fur was stuck up like he didn't wash himself for years. Was this red wolf a rogue wolf with no pack to be in? That would be so sad if he didn't have a pack like I do, but I don't have any quarrel with him. I shouldn't pry, especially just meeting this wolf like this. 

The red wolf seemed to be curious about her as well, but didn't question her, and quickly snatched the fish and ran off.

That was odd, she thought as she tried to sniff the air for any better scents. He didn't seem to want to fight either. But he was acting so strange. I'm certain he's a rogue wolf. That or an abandoned wolf. If he was: how'd he survive so long?

The white she-wolf shook out those thoughts. I probably should get a move on. Deer, moose, and whatever else is out there is not going to catch itself.

And with that the unnamed white wolf dashed off deeper into the forest, pausing only to take a quick lap of a nearby stream. She lifted her nose, scent glands ready to track whatever was in the air. The white wolf's nose caught the scent of a hare. It was in a winter part of the forest.

The forest she was in was one of the magical forests full of all different sorts of magical creatures, and wolves were one of those creatures that had a lot of powers.

The white wolf stalked forward, softly putting her paws on the ground. Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up. You can do this. You can prove how worthy you really are, last known white wolf. She took slow breaths despite being panicked by the thought of failure. She must catch that hare. She is faster and more skilled than that hare. She can do this! With a calm breath despite her racing heart, she looked closer to the unawares hare, it's whisker twitching as it ate a piece of leaf.

It's now or never! With a push of her legs for momentum, she sprang at the hare with the full force of her body, going with enough stride so she wasn't going to exhaust herself anytime soon. 

The hare's head swiftly picked itself up, and stared at the white wolf that was now in pursuit. Panicked, the hare dropped the leaf and started running away with no time to spare, searching for a source of comfort: a hole in the ground. Unfortunately for it, the white wolf was more advanced at hunting than she thought, pouncing on the plump creature.

She sank her teeth into the hare, cutting off the screams of terror when her fangs protruded the throat of the prey.

Blood spilled over the white female's choppers as the hare fell limp, dead, in her jaws. Pride swam over her thoughts as she lifted the catch. I hope Alpha likes this. He always pulls on my tail. The white wolf prayed as she tried to find a good enough grip on it, so it wouldn't look like she was dragging the catch back.

She finally found one on the middle of the prey, careful not to tear it to shreds. Alpha would not like that, she pondered with a shiver. Alpha made her life hard enough without her destroying meals. She supposed she should feel honored and lucky that she wasn't the Omega-But it sure feels like I'm close enough.

The wolf picked up her speed, galloping at a pace that could have outmatched a deer. She veered all different sorts of ways, avoiding as much other predators like her as she could. She didn't want to cause another scene like with that other wolf. Whoever he is, she thought as turned into a horse, running all the way near the rocks that served as the borders for the land the gray wolves had.

This is it! She thought as she turned back, and stepped into the camp, practically waving her catch at the gray wolves. The gray wolves in camp seemed slightly impressed. They've all seen her catches, and this catch was no different than the rest. The Omega taught her well.

She ignored the rest of the pack, and bounded over to the high class member himself: the Alpha. She gulped as she realized how big he truly was. I hope I can get my name. She thought to herself, placing the hare gently on the ground, sitting next to it, staring watchfully for her Alpha's next words. I hope he's pleased. She thought with suspense for his next move

Authors note: man. I made people wait not only two years on Ill Give it All Back to You, Mewtwo, but this story as well. I apologize, and I hope this makes up for it.

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