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A white little head poked out of the cave. A small flash of fur could be made out as she played around with her white mother and father. " Play with me! Play with me!" She yipped, bouncing around her parents in a bundle of energy and joy.

The father laughed at his pup, who kept pawing at his side. " Alright, alright. I'll play. Keep your ears on little one." He chuckled, and she dashed away with her father on her tail.

Suddenly, a harsh cry from the skies could be heard. It was an eagle flock! With an army of enemy bird who hated these wolves. " Caw! Scree!!!" A large golden eagle cried out, dive bombing the Wolves' camp.

The little white wolf yipped as a bird nearly slashed her. She barely dodged the talons as the bird crashed into the sandy dirt next to her. She barked with fright. " Run! Run!" Her father barked to her. Frozen in place, the little wolf watched in fear as a big scarred eagle slashed her mother's throat open. The albino's lip quivered and her body shook. " Aha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!" The eagle screed, tossing the slender wolf like she was prey.

Blood pooled the ground around the white dead wolf. Horror filled the pup's eyes as the eagle turned to her father. " You dumb shapeshifter wolves don't belong in this world." He cawed, pecking at the father's eyes. Howling with pain, the father-wolf raked his long clawed paws over the scarred eagle's wings. He tore some feathers and brought up blood.

The wolves claws also made the eagle's bones show. Gagging, the young pup turned away, and saw a huge eagle flying toward her. " You shapeshifter wolves don't belong. You all should die!" The eagle cawed, reaching out to grab the little wolf.

The eagle looked hopeful. As if he could kill all shape shifters and get a snack out of one. A red wolf knocked the eagle away from the young wolf. " Run! I'll handle him." The red old wolf said. The tiny wolf didn't believe that an old elder like him could beat an all mighty eagle, but she ran away. Before she left, she saw her father in a large pool of blood. His brain had been clawed out.

Gagging and stopping for a beating of her tiny heart, the little wolf's eyes welled in tears for her dead mother and father. We could shape shift and we were attacked because of our gift, she thought, pawing a tear out of her eyes.

She placed her paw back on the ground and dashed away. She stopped at a river. She gazed at her beautiful white pelt. She slashed a paw at the water. " Those Eagles. Those Eagles have ruined everything. They killed my kin. They destroyed my family line!!! All except for me!" She howled loudly.

She leaned closer to the river, paws moving away the rocks. " Mistake!" She howled at her reflection, slashing at the water in fury of her self. " I'm just a--" she began before all four paws of hers slipped on the rocks of the river bed and she fell into the rushing waters.

She barked and tried to treed the water. She knew she couldn't swim, yet she tried. A forepaw hit a rock and she barked with pain.

She was going down the river at a fast rate. " Wooooah!" She barked as she hit a hard log. She moved her paws. She couldn't get a foot hold and she slid farther down the river. The water at her paws were now frothing and she howled for help. She then hit a large rock and lost consciousness.

A large burley shape raced toward the water. A gasp filled the air as the gray wolf leaped into the dangerous water. A risky move, yes, but he managed to swim to her and grab her scruff.

The gray wolf dragged the unconscious pup onto dry land. He shook himself, to get rid of all of the water that was dripping from him. Droplets of water sprayed everywhere. The gray wolf looked down at the poor scrap of wet fur. He nudged her.

Her body moved back into its limp form. " I better not have jumped in there to save an already dead body." He growled. " I may be the omega of this Gray pack of wolves, but I still don't like getting wet for no good reason." He grumbled, pawing at the young pup.

A howl filled the air. " Omega! Get back here!" A lean and way more fat gray wolf with yellow eyes barked, racing at the ground. His strong paws were barely hitting the ground as he approached the omega. " What were you-" the wolf barked, before seeing the limp bundle of fur at the omega's feet.

" What are you doing with that pup? It might have germs!" The wolf howled. " I just saved her. I think she slipped in the river." The omega reported. " I-I think we should keep her." The omega shyly barked.

" What?! No! There's no way we are bringing in a complete strange wolf. She is not gray!" " Yeah, but she looks like she's alone. I think we need to take her in. Please alpha?" The omega begged his apparent alpha. " Fine." The alpha barked.

The omega's eyes shone with happiness. " But you will have to take care of this wolf. She's your responsibility!" Alpha barked. The omega's eyes stopped shining. His head bent down in respect.

" Yes. Yes of course alpha." The omega woofed, his stomach now growling. It reminded him of his constant hunger while the rest of the pack didn't go hungry. " Grab her and let's go. She will be fine." The alpha growled and the omega dipped his head once more to pick up the unconscious pup.

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