Chapter nine

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The injured brown wolf stared at up at them with glazed yellow eyes.

The gray wolves surrounding Howl gasped.

"What happened?" Hoshka whispered with wide amber eyes.

The brown wolf squinted up at them.

"Afra?" The yellow eyed wolf questioned, glancing around confusedly.

"No. This isn't brown wolf territory, I'm sorry." Sunyo barked.

The female seemed quite distraught.

"Where is she?!" She yelped as she moved onto her haunches.

She was acting aloof. She treated them like the enemy instead of a friend.

Does she think she's talking to someone else?

"You!" She barked as she wobbled onto her feet, pointing her snout towards the direction of Hoshka and Daynia.

"M-Me?!" Daynia exclaimed in shock as her yellow eyes widened.

"No! Not you!" The brown wolf barked before collapsing with a gasp, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she fell over unconscious.

"What was that about?" Howl wondered.

Sunyo stared at the brown wolf below them.

"Whatever it was," he began as he began to lower himself to the ground. "It obviously spooked her. She's injured and in disarray. We should bring her back to camp. She could die out here."

Sunyo was right, Howl believed.

Even though they didn't know this brown wolf or knew why she was out here, it was obvious she was injured.

There were pools of blood that led from a tree all the way from brown wolf territory to here.

Whoever or whatever attacked her obviously had a huge scuffle with her.

I hope she's alright. Howl prayed with her head down.

"Okay, team, let's haul her up. I'll carry her to the camp, so we can hopefully still find Alpha. Where'd the others go?" Sunyo wondered as Howl stared at the brown female wolf in front of her.

She didn't even know how a wound like that could be created.

I hope nothing was hunting her. Especially not a unicorn. That would be so terrifying. Being impaled by a unicorn.

Howl did everything in her power not to shiver as the three females surrounded the injured brown female.

They began to lift her up, Howl using her teeth to grasp hold of her two back legs. She lifted up the female, gently following Daynia and Hoshka as they began to slowly waddle over towards Sunyo.

They gently placed the whimpering brown wolf on Sunyo's back.

He turned to them.

"Like I said, she needs to be brought back to camp. Omega usually deals with the sick and injured, so we—I need to hurry!" Sunyo barked.

The other wolves glanced at him with confusion in their eyes.

"I know I said we earlier, but I think I can carry this brown wolf back to the pack on my own. Alpha still hasn't been found." Sunyo informed them.

"Are you sure you can get back to camp on your own? Wouldn't it be better if at least one of us were to accompany you? It would be unwise for you to go back alone, only to get ambushed by an unknown enemy. I'm sure whatever attacked this brown wolf is still lurking around. The pack has already had enough death. Let me come with you. I'm sure Howl and Hoshka can handle the other pack members on their own. You know how some males are." Daynia remarked with a soft smile on her face.

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