Talking to you// Mäja

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"Tell me everything about him!"
Wille goes on to describe his dark eye and curly hair. The way he stutters when he's nervous and the way they both love touch. Hand holds, hugs, kisses. Anything that allows their skin to touch is better than drugs to Wille according to him. He tells me how Simon saved him on a football field. And all I hear is how so much alike we are.
I wouldn't say Kristín is my girlfriend or anything. But, the way she holds me when I think and cry of home. Her gentle hands in mine. Her leg over mine when I try to sleep. It's all so comforting. And she looks so much like how I envision Simon, the dark eyes and curls. The smile that could wipe you off your feet.
"I'm telling everyone about you and Vea." Our laughter replaced with a silence that is so infuriating.
"What? You can't, Wille. We're a secret for a reason, you know this." But did he? Because, I barely knew the reason we were sent away until a few months ago.
Me and Vea were the result of an affair and it's so obvious we don't have the same dad as Erik and Wille. We look nothing like "dad". Mom was great at locking us in the palace and keeping the blinding eyes away from us. But it was becoming too much. Pressures were growing and she couldn't keep up. So we packed what little things we had, and we were put on two different flights.
I haven't seen Vea in four years.
Wille came to visit once.
Mother wrote every month for the first year.
Nobody checks in anymore, not even Vea.
You know when you see picture of your friends hanging out and it hurts so bad knowing they didn't even invite you. Yeah, imagine that's your family. You have to see their every move plastered onto the television. Every smile and hug they exchange.
Every big news you missed. Just once I want to hear the big news from their mouths not the mouth of some underpaid Icelandic reporter.
"Jag älskar dig." The last bit of Swedish I held onto. I used to practice my Swedish during phone calls and when doing school work, but now everything's in Icelandic and I have no use practice my native language, I doubt I'll ever use it again.
"Jag älskar dig också." His voice faded to the, You have thirty seconds remaining on this call. If you wish to extend your time please end the call and redial.
"Ég sakna þín." I hang up.

Jag älskar dig- I love you.
Jag älskar dig också.- I love you too.
ég sakna þín- I miss you.

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