The letter// Vea

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I hated watching the news because it showed the vile people I had to sit and call family.
I didn't have to call them family. I couldn't call them family, actually. When I was just nine I was made to sign a contract saying I would not publicly affiliate myself with the royal family. At first, I felt betrayed. Who wouldn't? It's like going out to dinner with your family except you can't speak to them or sit with them. It hurts. But then you realize you never wanted to sit with them anyway, so it's like paradise.
Sometimes I wish Wille would come and sit with me, though.
Just him.
Just Wilhelm.

Dear Diary. August 13, 2021
The air is getting colder and I have a bad feeling building in me. I'll let you know if it turns out to be anything but.-
Sorry I stopped writing so suddenly. My guardian, Alicia, came in. She's very kind. A nice lady, truly.
She gave me letter and like before, I knew something was off. It was from my brother Wilhelm. He hasn't written me in months. Maybe years? I haven't kept track.
I shall tell you what it says after I read it.

Dear Vea Klara,
You shall not tell anyone I am writing you. I told mother I was writing a school essay. I have a plan. But I think I must tell you before I do it. I have a photo of you, me, and Mäja together the day you guys got sent away. I also have transcripts between Mother and the companies that both took you. I'll post them to the press. If she won't let me be public about myself, we'll be public about the best two people in this family.
I should have written more but I was away at Hillerska school and so much was happening. I didn't want them to find my letters because the media was already up my a.. Mother would have beheaded me.
I don't care anymore though.
I love you and Mäja. I need you back.
Prince Wilhelm.

Dear Wilhelm,
Yes. Do it. Post it.

My Royal Sisters// Young Royals Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora