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I wasn't in my body. I wasn't there. I was standing beside my own collection of skin and bones. I was just watching as Mäja ran from me back to Wille. I watched as Wilhelm slumped over onto the rocks and how Mäja cradled him so tight as she yelped in defeat for help. I was trying to step forward, run inside to get my phone. I couldn't move because my body felt three feet away.
But I do remember the wail of ambulance sirens coming closer, the reflection of yellow and blue on my house. The only thing that brought my thoughts closer to my body.
Doors opening, closing. Little plastic wheels against the dirt pavement.
"Get out of the way," A paramedic rushing to the love of my life. And I was just watching. I WAS JUST WATCHING MY LOVE DIE. What is wrong with me?
My feet gained their feeling, my hands wiggled slowly. I stumbled to my porch and sat down.
"0.2 milligrams of Narcan, stat!" His voice pounded.
I remember a needle glimmering in the street lights. It going into Willes skin.
"Young lady you need to back up!"
"No, I'm not leaving my brother. Are you crazy!"
"Mäja, come here." I found my way to her and grabbed her tightly. At first the thrashed and screamed, willing her way to Wille. But I just kept my arms around her until her legs became too weak and she gave in. She just collapsed into me and we both fell to the grass. We both cried. We both blame ourselves.
"Can I use your phone to call my mom." Her words flooding out with the tears.
"Of course." So, I lead her inside and gave her my phone. The way her hands shook and her lip quivered made my gut hurt.
"Mom, they're taking Wille to the hospital. He didn't look good." It took her about five minutes to let out the simple sentence.
I could hear the Queen slightly through the phone. "What happened, Mäja."
"He took to many pills. Momma, I think he tried to kill himself."
"Where did he get them?"
Kristina ended the call.
Mäja fell asleep at the end of my bed and I tucked her in. I slept on the floor, dreaming of holding Wille again when he's better.
He would be better.
I didn't doubt that.

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