Headlines // Vea

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The only thing that could even draw me away from my reality for even two seconds was practicing my Swedish. The princess of Sweden practicing SWEDISH? Keep in mind I did not live with or around those who even remotely spoke Swedish for five years.
I did remember simple phrases like Jag är Vea. (I am Vea.) But the more complex and everyday sentences drifted from my mind years ago.
French was my primary language back in Canada. Most of my siblings came from regions of only French dialect so I had to catch on quickly to understand them.
"Vea? The room is empty if you want to come visit now?" This one nurse. She understood me so well. I hated visiting Mäja while Mother was in there. She'd go on and on about how selfish Mäja was. How she knew what we were going through and still decided to try to break us more?
Mäja never wanted to break us, she was broken herself. God, how did we never notice.
Wille was like her rock and when he went under very quickly, she was anchored to him; dragged right down to the bottom
"Uhm, efter det här."
"Good, good. You learn very quickly." This nurse knew english, made her even better.
I had to think about my next sentence. "Kan du tala till mig på bara Svenska?"
"Ja, min kära."
"What does kära mean?"
"Tack så mycket."

She was so pale, so, not here. Despite this I had the doctors leave the tv on her favorite channel in case she wakes up when we aren't around.
"Princess Mäja Linneá of Sweden has been hospitalized after an apparent over dose on July 13. Doctors say she has been stable since arrival at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, 72 kilometers from her home."
"Look sis you made the news again."
"The Princess has only been in the headlines since early January of this year. Her and her sister came to light on January tenth after their older brother Crown Prince Wilhelm posted this to instagram. The iconic caption has millions of likes and shares. The photo leaving many fans in awe, others left with a bad taste for Queen Kristina." The instagram post, our tiny little faces. A time much happier
"Neither girls, Vea or Mäja, have come to light personally about anything involving the royal family. Mäja was known for posting tiktoks in the royal palace, often with Wilhelm or Vea not far in the background. All smiles, a fan comments. If only we knew what was happening bts, another comments. Many send her good wishes like this one young girl, Princess Mäja is my idol, she is so strong! Get well soon Princess<3. We all hope she gets strong and well again soon and sees all the well wishes her fans are sending her way."
"Look Mäja, they love you so much."

efter det här- After this.
"Kan du tala till mig på bara Svenska?"- could you speak to me in just Swedish?
"Ja, min kära." Yes, my dear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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