Dinner plates// Vea

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You'd think large meals cooked by the worlds best chiefs would be the best food you'd ever eat. Endless options, and combinations. Whatever you could fit into your stomach laying on an endless table in front of you.
But meals aren't just food on a plate. Meals are about story telling and laughs and food made with true love and passion.
Eliana used to make the best meals and when she finished we'd all sit around the small circle table located between the living room and kitchen and eat. We'd tell about our days and laugh at how she accidentally spilt too much pepper into the soup again. It was all homemade. The bread, the pasta, the orange juice. It was filled with so much compassion that you couldn't even think about the extra pepper or lack of sugar in the lemonade.
Now, I sat around a table that was so big you couldn't hear the other people speaking— if anyone was speaking at all.
So many rules: use this fork for this food and this spoon for this soup, but don't use that fork for that meat. Always place your utensils back in their proper order and never set your napkin on the table, always keep it in your lap. Don't slurp, don't talk with food in your mouth, no elbows on the table.
No talking while the servers were at the table, you must say grace, you must wait until every dinner guest has gotten all of their food before you even touch your utensils. No obnoxious or obscene noises or actions, no getting seconds until everyone's plates are completely empty, you mustn't leave the table until the adults have stood, said grace again, and then properly excused the children.
When leaving the table you must push in your chair but now in a way that will make a loud sound or scratch the wood floors beneath it. You must walk out of the dining hall and wait outside the door for a parent to give you further instruction.
That's not even the full list of our dinner duties.
But I think I was boring you so I stopped.

"How's your lamb tonight dear?"
I was not eating that. I was vegetarian and she knew that but refused to tell the dinner staff, so each night they piled my plate with meat.
Also, eating lamb just sounds wrong. Anytime I try to eat it— go please her— I was think of the kids lullaby Mary Had A Little Lamb and it makes me sick inside.
Mäja and Wilhelm were yet to join us but mother excused the whole "wait until everyone has been seated and gotten food before you eat" rule.
"Where do you think they went?"
See, Mäja and Wille were always the type to up and run at adventure. But each time they left without security, Mother sent out search parties because she was truly convinced they were abducted from our top security manson on a secluded barricaded and guarded hill.
"I don't know."
I did.
It was obvious. Wilhelm left to go see Simon in private, Mäja got nervous and fled after him. They'd be back.


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