Hold me// Mäja

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The news had been released and it didn't take long for those very news reporters that I once hated to start blabbing about Wilhelms post.
It was just a picture. With the caption, "For so long I thought hiding this was okay. My own mother had taught me that lying was the best way to be keep your perfect facade. But, with the help of Simon I was able to learn how to be myself, how to not lie. How to be public about my flaws and imperfections, my not so socially accepted traits. So now is the time I be true about this. I not only had the great brother, Erik, I have two sisters. Neither are deceased and both are living well in Canada and Iceland. Their names are Vea Klara and Mäja Linneá. They are result of an affair between my mother and one of her very own body guards who we don't even knows name. I am thankful for my sisters and with this post, we are bringing them home for the first time in five years."

"I'm leaving in the morning, Kristín." We we're laying in bed. Her body over mine, her chin on my chest. Her gentle breath blowing against the cloth of my shirt, making little damp circles. Her fingers traced lines around at the edge of my skirt and shirt, daring to go beyond.
"No, you aren't. Are you serious?" She didn't move, or yell. Her fingers still danced on their line.
"Yes. I have to pack all my things. I get picked up at midnight," I begin to explain. My wordy explanation the only thing keeping me from sobbing. I wanted to go home, see my dear brother. But again, that was not home. Never was a home. Here was home. And the one I loved wasn't accompanying me along to Sweden. It felt pointless. "I'll ride a train from here to Reykjavík. I will get on a plane back to Sweden at 2 am. The flight is three hours, I'll land at about five am. I'll wait there for my sister to land and then we'll be picked up and brought to the palace. So in all I should be home by six am."
"Home? Mäja, that isn't your home. You've been well more accepted here than there. This is your home."
"But my family isn't here. My brother is there. That's my home."
"I should get packing."
"Can you just stay here, until I fall asleep?" Her way of saying goodbye. Because, goodbye means "I'll see you again." You don't say goodbye to just anyone, only those you wish to say hello to again someday. I didn't know if we'd ever get another hello. So, no goodbyes were spoken.
"Of course." So I did. I laid there with her until her breathing eased and her eyes fluttered shut. I don't know how I'd sleep in Sweden without her there beside me.
•"Jag älskar dig. Stay safe for me."

•jag älskar dig- I love you.

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