Go, be happy//Wilhelm

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It was dark, one light blinding me from above. The sound of water dripping, metal squeaking, muffled voices, pens clicking, alarms buzzing. Louder, and louder, and louder. Cold water against my skin. My skin feeling like I've been set ablaze.
It all stops.
The room is dark; the sounds echo a final time and stop. A lamp some distance away flicks on like an interrogation scene in a cheesy movie.
"Wille, what have you turned into." It could only be one voice. My favorite voice, one that I had longed to hear again. Erik.
"A mess, I need you back. Erik, come back."
"I'm always here, Wilhelm. I'm always with you."
"You must be so disappointed. I've ruined myself."
"You are becoming such a great person. I've never been so proud of someone, Wilhelm. But, I'd be prouder if you were true to yourself. Tell them about Simon. You love him, that's not just something you think while high. You think it all the time I know that. Tell him. Truly— while sober. I love you but I have to go." His body gone before his voice. "Go be happy, little brother, you deserve it."
Now I knew none of it was real. Just like the metal people on the football field, this was just another fake illusion.
It was a coma dream, something I'd grow to find very comforting. Then I could talk to Erik a last time. One time, I even got a last hug.
Something inside me didn't want to wake up.

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