Call 112// Mäja

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"Wille! Don't you ever do that again." I wanted to hit him but he was not in the state to be hit. "Simon, what did he take?"
"I don't know. He didn't do it with me."
"Wille, what did you take?"
"Whatever August had." His voice slow.
"August! You partied with August? Let's go." My weak arms did not stand a chance trying to pick up his sixteen year old self.
"He was real fun, and he gave me all these pretty colored pills that made me so happy. But at the end he gave me one and it, it didn't make me feel good."
"What did it make you feel like?"
"Like, like my chest was closing in again."
"Simon! Simon, call 112! Now!" The feeling could be a panic attack, or him slowly overdosing. His words slowed even more to the point they were just mutters of air that had some grip of meaning in his mind only.
Simon didn't reach for his phone or react to anything happening. He was just staring at the collapsing Wilhelm.
"This is all your fault!" I didn't mean it. It was August's fault for taking advantage of a heart broken Wilhelm, but how could Simon just stand there doing nothing. "Give me your phone."
No response.
I ran over to him, patting his pockets for a phone. "God dammit Simon where's your phone?"
"Inside." His voice was so shaking and his eyes were now brown blobs, smothered in a coating of tears.
"Get it! Get it, please!"
I could hear Wille slump over into the rocks of the flower bed. His body too weak for his own good anymore.
No more meaningless whimpers. Just the occasional breath and chest rise. Occasional.
They were barley there.
He was barley there.
"Help! Someone help!" I had his head in my lap, brushing my fingers through his hair. My tears falling onto his pale cheek.

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