My condolences// Mäja

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"He can never do anything right! The party, the video, THIS!" Mother was so angry. She never went into the room where Wilhelm lay half dead, rather she stood outside berating his every mistake.
"This is all August's fault! He did this to him on purpose how can you stand by him like this!" I couldn't take it any longer. Had she spoke of me and Vea like this whilst we were gone?
"He almost died because of that stupid boy."
"Stupid? Simon was the only one who ever made him feel loved. You could never do for him what Simon has. When was the last time you told us you loved us? When?"
Vea was silent at my side, a few glances at either of our faces.
"I said it last night."
"When? When did you say that because last time I knew, you were home and I was here making sure he didn't die alone!"
"She said it to me." Vea's voice barely noticeable over our screaming.
"You said it to her?" I wasn't angry. I was upset. Why was she the only one who could be worthy of her love? Why were me and Wille not enough for that?
"Ladies," A nurse in a dark blue top and white pants came up to us, placing her ever so cold hand on mother's shoulder. "We have gotten several complaints over the loudness of your conversation. We ask you lower your voices or we will ask you to leave. And Prince Wilhelm has a visitor. A man by the name Simon? Shall I allow him up?"
"No! He is not to see my son, ever."
"Let him up." It was one of those painfully cheesy cinematic moments where my "father" appears from the stairs doorway in the most dramatic manor.
"Excuse me? He will not be allowed up!"
"Let him up." I back him up. Finally one level headed family member.
"I will go grab him."
The tension was so thick in the air you could choke to death. All the while, Wilhelm laid in the all white bed, with all white clothes, with all white machines, living in his probably all white head. He had not a clue we were fighting, and for the first time in these two long months of him being here, I felt so happy for him.
I wish I could sleep through all the fights and glass shatters.

Dear Your Majesty, Princess Mäja.
I doubt you remember my lovely face. I haven't forget you, not one bit. My skin still longs to be held in yours.
I heard about Wille just now and knew I had write. Everyone here feels so sorry for you. I'm not sure if the news is true but what they're saying is horrible. Write back soon, if you'd like. If not, just throw this letter away and maybe think of me once and while.
I know what we had was not fake, and I'd like to have it again.
Come visit?
Kristín Einarsdóttir.

Throw away the letter. Never look back.
I was not going to be like Wille.
I would be try to be just like Vea. I deserved genuine love, not one concealed by hoodie sleeves and blankets. I needed true love that was so open and free.
I needed my mother's love.
Maybe to get it, you have to outshine the crown prince himself.
An unlocked cabinet.
A bottle.
A full bottle.
It hurt to swallow so much at once.
My heart pounded.
My head spun.
My chest tightened.
The blissful darkness Wille had gotten to enjoy for months.
I understood now.

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