Chapter 3

74 19 44

Dedicated to lil_gurl_shanti


After almost being caught, my blood pressure raised so high, you could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

I was back inside my room after putting cameras in the dining room, the corridors and even on the outside.

Derrick wished me good night while Seth kept on making ship names for me and Zion. I think he forgets he's the older one sometimes. I wrote in my journal.

I just want to get this over with.

I closed my journal putting the pen between the pages I was writing on and placed it in my suitcase.

I settled back in bed and stared at the white ceiling. Not minutes later sleep engulfed me and I hugged back tightly.


"Rise and shine," I heard Eloise's chirpy morning voice.

Where's my flamethrower?

Sunlight shone in from the windows after Eloise parted the curtains.

"I'm up," I mumbled sitting upright then looking at the time.

It's 6:00.

"Hurry and get ready and be down by 6:30. I'm gonna wake the others," she said.


At exactly 6:30 Courtney, JC and I were situated in the dining room eating our breakfast and waiting for Eloise to address us. Oh if I could get Sethano to be this prompt.

I volunteered to wash up after everyone was finished but only because JC was fumbling with a button on her blouse and it was annoying the biscuits out of me.

I came back 5 minutes later only to be greeted by JC and her fumbling. Thank goodness Eloise came not too long after because she would've felt my wrath.

We were all seated while Eloise stood and addressed us.

"You ladies may be wondering why we are here instead of attending to our normal duties," she started.

Courtney nodded.

"Mr. Rowell's sister and grandfather will be here soon I want everyone on their best behavior."

What are we five?

"Courtney don't go near the child, she doesn't like you and we don't need her crying on us. JC don't go near the food, last time the man ended up in the hospital if he asks for something get Courtney."

This is interesting.

"Kate you're on baby duty," she says.

Wait. What?

By the time she finished running us through it was 7 and Zion came down so we scattered and I went to my duty of making him breakfast.

"Good morning," he acknowledged me.

"I didn't know you had a sister, and a younger one I hear," I say while mixing his coffee.

"You didn't ask and we met each other yesterday."

I gave him his coffee and tell him to wait another 10 minutes until breakfast was finished.

"Tell me about you then since you claim I didn't ask now I'm asking," I say boldly.

"What do you want to know?"

Are you the one working with the Chinese and infiltrated the Tokyo base, killing more than 10 persons?

"What's your favorite color?" I asked instead.

"I don't have one of those," he sips some of his coffee.

"Okay, tell me about your sister."

"She's a spoiled brat that I love dearly," he answers deadpan.

I can't wait to meet her.

I placed his breakfast in front of him.
"Thank you," he says.

"You're welcome."

Zion was staying home today seeing that his family was coming to visit him. It was 10:05 and they still haven't showed. I didn't see him though he was probably in his study.
I just finished ironing some of Zion's suits and was headed to the laundry room to drain the washing machine when I heard the doorbell ring.

Someone else better get that.

It rang again. And again.

"Don't worry," I said loudly, "I'll get it."
I rolled my eyes.

I put a bright smile on my face before opening the door.

It opened to reveal a man straight out of walking dead. No really his face was sunken and his eyes soulless. He was so thin how was he standing? Was this Zion's grandfather or was it the grim reaper out to get the little girl beside him.

The girl looked about 7 or 8 years old. She had chestnut shoulder length hair with bangs. He face was round and her cheeks painted a healthy pink. She was adorable but there was a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"You must be Zion's sister and grandfather. He's expecting you please come in." I stepped aside so they could enter.

The little girl ran in and on the top of her voice shouted, " Zayyyyy."

Zion appeared not long after at the top of the staircase. He smiled then jogged down the stairs.

When he reaches the bottom he picks up the girl from the floor and spun her in the air. Her laughter was contagious.
He put her down after awhile and ruffled her hair, " Don't you miss your big brother Saige."

She batted his hands away, "stop it you're ruining my hair."

He left her fixing her hair to greet his grandfather.

"Grandpa," he greeted as he hugged him.

How cute.

I excused myself and let them have their moment taking the girl's (whose name I learnt was Saige) bag from Larry who said their driver gave it to him to give it to whoever will be attending to her.

That's me if you don't remember.
I just hope this girl doesn't give me a hard time because I will slap her and break my cover.


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