Chapter 6

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How did I move from going over the plans for the Tokyo mission to blowing party balloons. I thought Seth already had this planned.

I stopped at the house where my brother was staying before I came here. He's like my handbag. I can't leave him, because he's important to me and also because I'm his legal guardian. 
I didn't even get Molly a gift yet. Seth wanted everything perfect, too perfect.

"These are blue. I want turquoise. Are you blind!?" He screamed at one of the caterers.

"I'm seeing bottles of cheap wine! What happened to the Burgundy Chardonnay!?"

A  nude cake with a simple 'Happy birthday' was shown to Seth. Keep in mind it's a turquoise and Rose Gold party. That's when he blew up.

"What is this!? Where's  the color? I want it as big as it can get."

I tied a balloon I just filled with helium and wrapped it with the whole bunch I placed on a string and gave them to someone.

"Can you put this over there?" I directed.


I walked over to where him and one of the caterers was standing.

"Hey. I think you should rest you've done enough," I say to him, putting the poor maid out of her misery.

"I'm fine Kat."

"You aren't I can see your veins in your forehead popping from all the way across the room." I hit him on his forehead. "You're sweating like a pig and you keep on pulling your hair-- and not in the sexy way." I scrunched up my nose.

"Its her first actual party with more people than just us and Derrick. I wanted it to be special," he sighed.

"I know but the color, really? She can't even see the color of your shirt. She's 19 not 21 what's the chardonnay for? Get some milk."

I pushed him in the direction of the stairs,"Ok tell you what. Let the caterers do what they do best and you go shower."

"Ok fine."


"Are you sure you told her to be here?" I asked Seth for the fifth time.

"Would you shut up and just get ready to say surprise," he says annoyed.

"It's not a suprise if she knows." Derrick adds.

"Just shhhh!"

The partially dark room was sent to silence until the front door creaked open.

"Surprise!!" We all shouted and confetti blew up in the air. The lights were turned on.

Instead of surprising the birthday girl we were surprised by a man and a woman.

The woman was dressed in an all white pantsuit with her short golden hair drawn to the back of her head in a bun. She adorned herself with a silver necklace and a Patek Philippe's watch, even her makeup was done.

She looked stunning, I already added her shoes to my Ebay cart. 
Remind me to get her designer's number.

The man next to her was round and had on a v neck black shirt and khaki pants. His bald head glistened under the party lights. 

Kung fu panda is that you?

"Where's Molly?" Seth asks.

"The house is clear," he says to the woman beside him and ignoring Seth. 

Was she blind? Obviously it was clear, we were in 'happy birthday' headbands and covered in confetti. Most of the people here were from work excluding my brother and a few others.

GrayscaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora