Chapter 9

41 11 23

Dedicated to KT_Burns


The team was getting ready for the meet up with the new found targets. While Molly was setting the M2, which is a shortening for Project M2 a computer system made by Molly when she was younger aided by the Australian  government and is still in the making, to a more Seth friendly mode so he could monitor our tracking devices when we were inside the building I wrote in my journal.

"Tuesday, July 20,
Rules are there to keep you alive but sometimes you have yet to live until you break one," I wrote at the top of the page. "Break at least three."

After Molly and Seth talked geek stuff in the living room for around 30 minutes I went over to help her get ready.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Molly
as I strapped up her concealable bullet proof vest.

"Like I'm going on a suicide mission," she replied.

"We are going on a suicide mission," I tell her seriously, "put this on," I gave her a black shirt and jacket.

She took the clothes and started ugly crying, "Why can't D do it? We are going to die aren't we? I'll handle all the technical things for this mission if you let D go instead," her Australian tongue did a twister.

"Would you please shut up," I say getting my thigh strap and tracker. "No we are not going to die. No Derrick can't do it, he has a past here and even if you didn't go you'd still have to handle all technical issues. You are accompanying me, мыс?(Capeesh?)"

I took up the locket I gave to her on her birthday that was sitting on the table next to my tracker, "I gave you this for a reason Em. I won't let anything happen to you," I hear myself say, calmer than before. "Sisters," I took her hand and placed the locket in her palm.

"An unbreakable bond," she finished looking down at the necklace then putting it on.


"говно!" My thumb got knocked up on the desk the tracker was on.

Curse you table!

It was a little after 9pm. Hanlee called awhile ago saying the targets agreed to meet with this new 'alliance'. He informed us that he would not be accompanying us inside their layer.

Derrick is backing us up from outside and Seth will be driving the getaway car. He is a good driver, but he's Seth. We've been over the plan a billion times, and I just know that somehow, someway he is going to screw this up.

Everything was set. It was time to go. "I'll be there the whole time," Derrick reassures Molly who was, decoding sound waves by the virtual reality hover lens she has on one eye at fast rates per one. I can tell what she's doing because she does this when she's nervous. D must've noticed too.

"No baby talk D, we need to look fierce or else they will know something is up." I turned off the clear screen she was binge coding on.

She started pulling on the high waist slim fit long cargo pants I put her in,"I feel so naked, Why are these so tight how do people breathe in them,"  Molly's complaint came out as a murmur.

"Do you intend to show up at a criminal meeting in sweat pants and a shirt that's swallowing you?"
D asked Molly, screwing the lens on his sniper.

"Leave her alone Derrick she's not used to this," Seth defended Molly.

"Kiss ass," D said out loud.

"What did you just say to me?" Seth asks in disbelief and anger.
The two men looked like they were going to rumble. Two bestfriends were going to have it out and I was not about to pick a side. My hero hair was already done. I have no time for this.

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