Chapter 11

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I can't stay here. The air was tense. I was in the room they assigned Molly and I but I could still feel the tension coming through the closed door in waves. Seth wasn't talking to me. I found out Derrick was the one that snitched so I guess we aren't talking either. Although they were already tailing us, they lost us at a certain point and he gave them our coordinates.

It was the morning after. Last night was hectic after the fight. I stayed over to help remove the bodies. It was way into 2am when we finished. I was spent and when we drove home in silence I came straight to my room and shut down on the bed.

I woke up at around noon and sat up in the bed with the same bloody clothes from last night. I got blood on the sheets and noticed there was some on the handle of the door. I needed a bath.

I slid off the bed and moved sluggishly to the bathroom. I removed my clothes carefully, trying not to hurt my bruised stomach. Right where my ribs stopped was a purple and black bruise. A gash was on my upper back, right behind my shoulder. Nothing major but it stung like a female dog. I couldn't really reach it but I saw it when I looked in the bathroom mirror.

I got in the shower and let the warm water flow down my body. I winced when the water touched the gash in my back. I scrubbed my body clean, washed my hair and watched as stale blood ran down the drain.

After I was finished I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I brushed my teeth then came out of the bathroom.

Seth was sitting on my bed. The bloody sheets were on the ground so it was just the mattress.

"Came to see if you were still alive," he said after awhile.

I went to sit beside him, "Thought you didn't care."

"I do care, you're my best friend. I was just upset. Y'know, the kind that makes you see red," he explained.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen," I said in regret.

"I'm sorry I called you dumb and said it was your fault," he looked down at his foot he was tapping against the floor, "Truce?"

"If you stop doing that," I put my hand on his knee and stilled his tapping foot,"then truce."

"Oh sorry I forgot. Your trigger thingy."

I laughed at his attempt to say misokinesea. "Yes that."

I loved how we could go back to normal after fights. It always gives me a sense of relief to know that my friends will always be there for me.

"C'mere you big oaf," he pulled me into a hug. His hand touched the naked area of my back where the cut was.

"Ow!" I drew back clutching onto the towel.

"Are you ok?" His eyes searched for where on my body it hurt.

"Yeah, there's just this thing," I moved my hair to the side so he could get a better visual of the wound. "It's nothing really." I put down my hair after I was sure he saw the cut.

"Damn Kat," he grimaced. He held back the hair again, "This needs to be dressed, blood it still dripping from it."

"Explains why I feel so lightheaded."

"May I?" He asked permission to clean it.

"No really, it's fine," I began to back away.

" Woman, turn around and let me handle this."
I guess no wasn't an option.

He got up to get the kit and told me to stay put. First-aid was the second thing after self-defense we learnt at the academy. Self-preservation is most important when it comes to war.

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