Chapter 7

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"Get your drooling derriere off of me." I shoved Derrick from my shoulder.

We are currently in the aeroplane going to Japan. Molly met us at the airport with different body guards than yesterday but when we arrived they left. The Commander was there to watch us depart, but only so he could threaten me to bring Molly back with not a scratch.

And I quote, "If Molly dies and you die with her I'm resurrecting you just to kill you again."

I'm feeling the love.

Derrick was having a killer hangover and I'm sure he wasn't awake his head kept bobbing. Sethano and Molly was having a programming fight over Seth's so called invention. Molly was simply going over the coding on the lens because not only the person wearing it should see what they're looking at but also the persons in the lab room.

I guess Seth's pride is stopping him from allowing her to look at it. He's probably thinking 'What if something has to be fixed on it? Taking help from someone I'm trying to impress, only to embarrass myself, not a good move.'

I say make sure that thing won't blind me or jeprodise this mission.

I left my brother, Alexei in the nurturing hands of the academy. His reaction to me going away was, well he didn't have anything to say other than 'carry back something for me.' I didn't want him caught up in all this but it's a choice and he chose to go to the academy.

I got up from my seat to check out the weapons Reid packed for us. Not only that but it has been three hours into the flight and my butt is already numb from sitting.

A Mk-12 SPR, M2000, Glocks 9mm handguns, Ak-103 and  Sniper rifles among others were packed.


The knife collection skyrocketed my brain out of this world. Even a KA-BAR was included.

If Derrick ever think about so much as touching this.

"Ow!" Molly exclaimed.

I turned to see her clutching her eyes, "Get it out!"

"Hold still," Seth tried to help her.

I knew some damaging of the eye was gonna go on.

I could pretend I didn't hear anything but then I heard the Commander's threat ringing in my head.

Not so much as a scratch.

I huffed, "move," I boxed Seth's hand away that was making things worse.

"What's wrong?" I asked him while getting it out.

He scratched the back of his head,"I was proving that it didn't need fixing. Turns out the lens are a little thicker and needs focus, it's kinda squeezing her pupils and doing some muscle damage to the iris..."

"I underestimated your genius," I say to him after finally scraping the contact off the eye she put it in.

He looked at me weirdly, "Why Thank y-"

"You idiot!" I slapped his shoulder. "Swallow your pride and have Molly fix that. No mess ups, we have bad guys to catch and pay checks to get. I am responsible for this team, if you want out say so."

He held his head low.

"We have ten more hours on this plane. That's more than enough time. Do your job."


It was around 2pm here. The plane had just landed. I was itching for a fight, I couldn't wait to play dress up. Derrick slept through the whole flight, no surprise there. Molly had me try the invention and not gonna lie, this is a must have. I could see so clearly and a good distance. Which is more than I can say for my phone. She checked if she was seeing what I was and then placed it somewhere safe.

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