Chapter 1

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On days like this all I want is to be in my bed, under warm blankets, eating a fudge, vanilla to be exact. But no, I'm across the road from an extremely big house fixing my hair before I go to work.
This unfortunately every adult does if they want to keep sleeping in that comfy bed.
I look up and down the road of the quiet community noticing the black van that is parked at one side of the road. This van followed me the whole way here. I have not an idea how it got through the gate of the community.

I picked up my carrier bag and held on to the handle of my suitcase and with quick steps made my way cross the street.
I smiled at the security guard and told him the head maid here was expecting me. He made a call then let me through the gate.

The exterior was grand.
Palm trees planted at each side of the house shuddered with each whisper of the wind. The lawn was well groomed, green and lush. Three cupids shooting their arrows were  placed to the side of a fountain flowing water.
The person who owned the house screamed wealth.
What would it take out of them to make one more cupid to make it even!
That threw off the beauty of it all but from the shiny white paint on the outside of the house to the pretty purple flowers in the flower garden, it was breathtaking.

I smiled and did as much waving as my hand would allow wearing this bag to the gardeners I saw on my way up.

I struggled with my suitcase up the tiled steps and finally when I reached the top I raised my hand to knock when it was opened by a petite middle aged woman with curly red hair and rosy red cheeks.

"Ah, you're here," she said giving  me a warm smile.
"Yup," I said returning the smile.
Wait what? 'Yup' that's so unprofessional and on the first day. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Well don't be shy dear come on in," she moved a bit so I could enter, "just leave your luggage at the door I'll have someone bring it up."

"Thank you," I told her sincerely. I would have died by the time I made it up the flight of stairs I was seeing before me.

"Will you excuse me for a second I was going to speak to Larry before you came," she excuses herself.

"Of course."

"The living hall is to your right, make yourself at home," she said before leaving.

I looked up pass the chandeliers and to the semi circle of stairs and thought those stairs must be prescriptions for foot sprains and back aches.
I followed the lady's directions and came upon the living room, no hall because this was meant for a giant. Its  cream colored walls stretched up for about 25 feet. It was well furnished with a black four piece sofa, a glass coffee table which had a remote and a vase. A piano was placed at one corner of the hall. A glass stand held up the television. Light grey curtains shielded the furnishings from the sun. I took a seat in the very expensive looking sofa.

After about 10 minutes the lady came back. She took a seat beside where I was sitting.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Eloise, head maid and I'll be running you through your daily schedule. Why don't you go on and introduce yourself."

"Well I'm Kate and there is nothing much to say other than I need this job," I say to her.

"Kate," she tested the name on her tongue, " pretty name it doesn't fit your face though." "No offense," she added quickly.

"None taken."

Eloise showed me around, talked me through what I would be doing and introduced me to the rest of the staff.

Larry, one of the two gardeners gave me a rose and showed me his quiet spot, very trusty, too trusty.

Courtney had me watch her bake bread and JC (it doesn't stand for anything I asked) the youngest of all of us gave me my uniform and told me the do's and don'ts.

I actually enjoyed today.

I attempted to help Eloise and Courtney with our dinner but she said I start tomorrow when the owner Zion gets here.
We all ate dinner together except JC and Mr. George who don't live in.

Courtney, washed up after I cleared the table with Eloise telling me not to.

Everyone said their goodnights and went to their room. Eloise showed me where I would be staying and wished me a good night.

I entered the room, turning on the light that Eloise showed me earlier. Both my suitcase and carrier bag was on the bed. The room was cozy but drab and dull. There was just the bed, a dresser, closet and a bedside table with a bathroom attached to the room. I decided I'd redecorate with what I had tomorrow.
My eyes were drooping shut, it was a long day I just wanted sleep.
I got the bags off the bed, brushed it off and layed down face towards the ceiling. My wish from this morning came true except there was no fudge. It might not be my bed but at least it's a bed. But before I go to bed there is one thing I had to do. I took out a phone from the suitcase, flipped it open and made the call. It rang three times before it was picked up.

"I'm in," I said into the phone.

"Good work Katarina. "


A cup of tea a day keeps the soul awake. Make that 3 cups of coffee a day, it ensures you stay awake and do your job.
Eloise woke me up at 5 o'clock this morning to dust and wipe. It's now seven and I'm in charge of making breakfast for my employer who likes his coffee with cream because no sane person drinks black coffee. I agree.

I was almost finished with frying the chicken breasts when I felt a presence a few feet away from me.

"Good morning," I greeted.
"Good morning," a deep husky voice responded.

"Your breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes," I informed as I heard a seat pull out from the island behind me.

Four minutes and fifty nine seconds later I placed two chicken avocado sandwiches in front of him and a cup of hot coffee, with cream.

I had one job, make breakfast and get out of there so Courtney could wash up after he was through but no my eyes just didn't want to work with my brain at this moment.

I glanced up to see big square glasses covering his dark green eyes which were staring back at me. He had brown short hair that was neatly groomed. The pictures Commander Reid showed us did him no justice.

He seemed amused by something, probably the 25 year old woman in front of him who was checking him out. His jaw twitched, I continued my assessment, then at the exact second Courtney opened the door he turned away from me and asked, "Katy is it?"

Courtney apologized for interrupting and left.

"Actually it's Kate," I corrected.

"Yes excuse my poor memory," he apologized, "Eloise mentioned you. The new face I figured it must have been you. Let me formally introduce myself. Zion Alexander Rowell, owner. Welcome to my humble abode."

Why, hello Zion.


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