Chapter 4

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Eloise had me on standby while  Courtney was serving drinks to the guests. I was currently in the laundry room complaining to Molly about my unfortunate situation.

"I'm on babysitting duty," I tell Molly while stuffing some sheets into the washing machine.

"If it's apart of your cover then I don't see the problem," she speaks into the earpiece.

"The problem is, well you know how I feel about children."

"You can't change what happened in the past Kat, we have to face the music then move on," she says to me.

I sigh.

Facing your past is like digging up an old grave, opening the casket and looking the dead body in the eye. You have to be brave but you also need to be ready to let go after you've faced your demons. I don't think I'm ready to let go.

"I'll handle it," I finally say.

"Mhmm," she dismisses that topic.

I started the machine and leaned against it.

"Seth is hosting something this weekend you should come."

"I can't, I have to visit my brother."

"If you change your mind let me know. Get on with your work Novikova, I'll have D check in on you later," she says then the line goes dead.

I took my time removing and putting away the communication device then made my way to the living hall where I heard laughter and talking.

"Zay I will shave your eyebrows in your sleep if you tell grandpa another embarrassing story," I heard Saige threaten Zion.

"I wouldn't try that," Zion said seriously then I heard laughter again.

I finally made an appearance. Zion had his sister in his lap ruffling her hair while she fought against him. His grandfather sat in one of the sofa's across from them a quarter of a smile etched on his face, his eyes full on laughing. He didn't look any less dead though but you could tell that he adored his grandchildren.

I cleared my throat trying to get their attention.

They stopped playing around and faced me. Zion took Saige off his lap and stood. She didn't look too happy about that and narrowed her little eyes at me.

Excuse me?

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting..."

"No I actually needed to do something and talk a little business with my granddad. Can you watch Saige for awhile?"

"That's what I'm being paid for," I jokingly say.

"Thanks. I wont be long."

He turned to tell her what's going to go down while I just kept praying that she's a saint.


Saige and I sat on the pool chairs  beside the huge hot tub they call a pool at the back of the yard.
After she forced me to watch her model swimwear she had here, she chose one and had me promise to at least wear a dress to the pool .

I was tense at first being around her, and not because I was afraid but it was like the grave that I was supposed to dig was digging itself.


4 years ago

I was on my knees looking down at the blood spewing out of a wound in my abdomen. The perfectly polished marble floor seemed to be laughing at my expense. I coughed up blood, my ego bruised in this helpless state.

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