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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

M/n groggily woke up from his blaring alarm clock. With a swift smash on the top, the beeping ceased and his mind was left to wander once more. 

Except for the fact he forgot about his--

"Stupid back-up alarm!" He shouted, whipping the covers off of himself and smashing the next alarm clock. "I'm already out of bed." He groaned and got himself ready for the long day he was about to have. 

 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


There they were. The entire host club shouting 'surprise' in the tired boy's face. And as much as he wanted to smile and say his thanks no words were forming. 

Because there was one addition to the host club, one face he knew all too well. 

That of his little sister. 

His little sister that was supposed to be in a different country. 

His little sister that he hadn't seen in months. 

"M/n!" She grinned, latching onto his leg and shaking him repeatedly. "How's it going~?" She asked nonchalantly as if she wasn't just trying to make him fall. 

"I-I'm...good? Erin, what are you doing here?" He quickly recovered from his shock and picked her up into his arms. She smiled warmly and pointed to Tamaki. 

"He picked me up at the airport!" 

"He what?" M/n seethed. Though his tone was kind the teenagers could clearly see the anger in his eyes. 

"Well you were sick and I figured you may want to see someone that could brighten up your day!" Tamaki quickly said but took the precaution of hiding behind Haruhi. 

"Did you even think this through?" He mumbled to himself, unintentionally letting his sister hear. 

"Are you saying you don't want me here?" The brunette girl in his arms starting to let out small tears. 

"You little faker!" He exclaimed playfully while tickling her stomach. She giggled as the host club watched in awe. His personality did a complete 180 when she was around. 

Kyoya made a mental note to utilize her "cuteness" while the rest of them simply continued watched in wonder. 

"I'm going to have to take the week off of school then-" 

"Nope!" The twins interrupted with devilish smirks. "We're going to the beach!" 

"Oh jeez..." 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Ha-ru-hi! Ha-ru-hi!" Erin chimed rhythmically. The older brunette turned to the younger. If you looked close enough there almost seemed to be a resemblance between the two despite no genetic connection. 

"Yes, Erin?" They said, turning from the shellfish to her. A look of horror passed on the girl's face as she watched a centipede crawl its way out of a crab. 

"U-Uh I was wondering if you wanted to go play volleyball with me and the twins?" She asked and Haruhi smiled warmly. 

"Maybe later." They said and noticed the frown on her face. "What about you help me and Honey with the shellfish." 


While Erin was busy with her new task m/n was keeping a watchful eye in the distance. Kyoya said she was to be a temporary helper in the host club if they wanted to come on the trip. Now, m/n didn't want to go on a trip to the beach but her pleads eventually convinced him. 

"You really care about her, don't you?" One of the girls from school asked and he hummed in agreement. 

"That's really sweet of you." Another commented and he turned his head. 

"Family is the best gift a person can have." He smiled and they all blushed. It wasn't often people got to see his smile so they weren't about to throw the opportunity away. 

"That's very true," Tamaki murmured. The girls instantly shifted their attention from m/n to Tamaki and he (of course) put all of his attention to them. 

Eventually, m/n was forced out of his spot under an umbrella and placed in the kitchen.

"Haruhi," he called as he watched his little sister dash through the sand. "Keep an eye on her while I cook up the shellfish?"

"No problem."


Though m/n was already cooking up hundreds of crabs and oysters Haruhi continued searching for more with Erin.

They heard some giggles from the top of a cliff right above their head. "Haruhi! The view is amazing up here!" A girl with Erin latched onto her leg shouted. Haruhi quickly identified them as girls from the host club trip.

"Be careful up there!" Haruhi shouted back but the girls ignored the warning and continued watching the sunset. M/n watched idly through the window as he fished out (no pun intended) the next batch of seafood.

Deciding to take a break he put down his utensils and quietly made his way to the commotion. 

"This is a private beach! You can't be here!" 

"Private, eh? Does that mean we're alone~?" 

His first thought was that a couple of girls were getting harassed by people who were definitely not here from the host club trip. The h/c-ette picked up his pace just in time to see Haruhi being held over the cliff. His eyes darted from the men holding the girls to the man holding his childhood friend. 

Then he inspected them closer. 

Erin was being held securely in Haruhi's arms. 

"Hope you know how to swim!" He shouted and with full strength, he pushed them both off of the cliff and into the choppy waters. 



M/n immediately dove into the water and searched for the two. He could feel someone behind him and hoped that they would take Haruhi while he took Erin. 

"Why didn't you take Haruhi first?" The voice interrupted, his hesitant gaze on the shaking girl in his arms and to the blonde. 

"What?" M/n hissed, wrapping a towel around her frail body. 

"You were right there but you took your sister instead of Haruhi!" Tamaki exclaimed in exasperation. M/n looked back at him with wide eyes. 

"Are you hearing yourself right now?! God, suoh—" He stopped himself, knowing this was neither the time nor place to be arguing. Especially in front of his younger sister. "Haruhi," He called before walking into the house. He placed a swift kiss on their cheek and gripped one of their shoulders. "I cannot thank you enough for holding onto her." 


"I have to go." 

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