[all my love]

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Fortunately for him, Kyoya had offered to take care of things at the fair while m/n went to drop Erin off at the airport

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Fortunately for him, Kyoya had offered to take care of things at the fair while m/n went to drop Erin off at the airport. Without even realizing it, m/n had become something of a caregiver to his friends. 

None of them acknowledged it but they all felt the same sibling bond as any real sibling would. Well, most of them did. 

One particular blonde felt a little differently. He still felt the same squeeze of the heart when they helped each other, the same compassion and kindness. 

But the kind of love he felt was different altogether. It was the need to feel affection, of all kinds, from that special person. It was knowing that someone felt the same, and was willing to show it. Willing to say it.

That's the tricky thing with love. Until one person says it, both are left in a daze of stress and worry. Asking yourself, "does he like me back" and only coming up with one answer. "He could never love me"

However, at this point in time, m/n's head was nowhere near those thoughts. His little sister was about to leave him again. He was going to leave her alone. How could he possibly be thinking about Tamaki? 

"I'm gonna miss the host club." 

Yeah, that would probably do it. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure Suoh and the twins would love to call you every day." 

"Really?!" She exclaimed just as the buzz of the intercom came on. 

"Flight 444 now boarding." 

Erin hurriedly checked her boarding pass. A frown quickly graced her lips. "That's mine..." Her brown eyes looked up to her older brother's, almost pleading to stay. "M/n..." 

Her voice cracked slightly while tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. As if it was a domino effect, small tears slid down m/n's face. The sight almost scared Erin. She had never seen her brother sad, let alone cry. 

Before she could respond he gripped her body tightly in a shaky hug. "It's going to be alright, I-I promise."


He reluctantly pulled back, knowing he didn't have much time left. He placed her hand slightly in front of his and extended his pinky. "Do you trust me?" 


"I promise I'll see you soon." 

"Pinky promise." 
__________________ 🥀 __________________

There was a multitude of reasons m/n didn't want Erin to leave. The first (and most important) was that he barely got any time with her and felt as though he was a terrible brother. But other than his internalized guilt, there was one more. 

She had no family other than him. He raised himself and then her. At one point, however, he had to make a choice. Him or her. Should he take care of himself or should he stay behind and take care of her? 

That's when he started feeling guilty. In order to ease the pain slightly, he decided to leave her in the hands of someone he trusted, someone close to him. That person happened to live in France but that was a mere triviality. 

Anne-Sophie de Grantaine was the woman. A woman he trusted dearly. Despite not being in the best health she cared for Erin as if she were her own. 

Kyoya, very recently found out about the connection between the two families as he was organizing Erin's trip back. He was genuinely surprised Tamaki had not noticed seeing as he was the one who planned her visit in the first place. 

__________________ 🥀 __________________

"M/n?" Haruhi asked as he entered the decorated hall. "I thought I told you you didn't have to come." They groaned sarcastically. In all honesty, Haruhi meant it. They didn't want him coming to such a huge event on such a hard day. 

He fixed his suit and continued walking. "It'll help me distract myself." They hummed in agreement, still a bit skeptical. "So, what'd I miss?" 

Somewhere along the way, Haruhi and the twins switched places. They went to go change costumes for the 3rd time (under Tamaki's orders) while the twins guided m/n to the rest of the host club. 

While they were waiting for Haruhi, m/n noticed a small bruise on Kyoya's left cheek. He was about to inquire about it but decided it was best to leave it. He knew about Kyoya's family situation, and vice versa. They had a silent agreement to never bring up either when other people were around. 

"So~ where did the boss go?" Hikaru asked first. "He was looking forward to this the most," Kaoru added after his brother. 

"Our king is lounging in music room 3. He's entertaining lady eclaire." 

M/n let out a faint snort. "Eclaire? Like the desert?" 

Mori, being the first to catch on, parted his lips into a small O shape before laughing under his breath. 

Ignoring the joke, Haruhi continued their small rant. "I just think he's being even more irresponsible than usual."

"That is true but he's just obeying the wishes of his grandmother." 

"Y'know, now that I think about it... Tamaki-senpai's grandmother seemed cold toward him earlier. Is there some special reason for that?" 

M/n was very obviously missing some piece of the puzzle and he was not liking it. 

"Well, everyone else knows. We might as well tell you." Hikaru looked over to his brother, wondering if perhaps they were thinking different thoughts. Though, as usual, that wasn't the case and Kaoru knew exactly what to say next. 

"You see, Tamaki-senpai is illegitimate." 

Hikaru sighed before continuing his explanation. M/n took the time to sit on the couch. 

"Tamaki was raised in France until he was 14 because his mother couldn't move to Japan. However, his grandmother worried about not having an heir after his father. So she decided to strike a deal."

None of this seemed new to the host club members, except Haruhi of course. They all looked as though they had gone through this story a million times in their head and still could never understand it.

"In return for her safety and well-being, Tamaki would have to live with her in Japan. He knew the consequences of leaving his ill mother in debt and couldn't do that to her. From there he moved to Japan and left his mother in France."

Kyoya took a long deep breath before continuing. They both knew where this story was heading.

"Whether it was from guilt of forcing her son to leave or something else, we'll never know. But shortly after, his mother left France and moved away. Never to be heard of again."

"That's..." Haruhi mumbled. The rest of the host club looked to them with guilt. It was a sad story but a true one. Well, almost true.

"That's a lie." M/n stated. He stood up abruptly from his chair and looked down. "She's still in France and I've talked to her before."

"You WHAT?!"

"Anne-Sophie de Grantaine, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. Almost a picture perfect image of Tamaki. She's an incredibly nice woman."

"I'm sorry-" Hikaru interjected, earning the same look from Kaoru. "Are we going to skip past the part where you said you know her?!"

"Hikaru, Kaoru, let him explain." Kyoya scolded lightly, however they simply scoffed.

"Why wouldn't you say anything?! Do you know how much pain he's in-"

"Will you shut up for a second, Kaoru?!"  M/n's shaky tone brought them all to a full stop. They knew it that moment that their feelings didn't matter.

It was between him and Tamaki now.

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