[fireworks turned to fire]

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Fire was one of the main elements in the world. More so in Avatar the Last Airbender, but they still pertained to the real world.

Fire, however, was the most destructive of them all. It was fueled by heavy emotions.

First came m/n. He was held back by Hikaru and Kaoru to explain his situation. Fortunately, someone saved him.

Unfortunately, that someone was a person he never intended to hear from again. The woman in question by all the host club was attempting to call m/n in that very moment.

She could not have picked a worse time.

"Hello?" He mumbled. A sudden image of Erin ingrained itself into his mind. She was on the plane to see her again.

"M/n? It's wonderful to hear from you again." Her voice was soft and delicate. She could put you into a trance if she wanted to.

The host club listened closely, not wanting to miss a single word.

"Is everything alright?"

"Skipping the small talk, I see-"

"Please just answer the question."

"Alright, m/n. You deserve to know."

He would never in a million years guess the next words that were about to come out of her mouth.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it, Erin has gone MIA. Her plane-"

M/n didn't give her a chance to talk. This was too important. Erin was everything to him. Fuck everyone else, only she mattered right now.

"What the hell do you mean MIA?! She's 7 fucking years old, not a solider!"

Tamaki's mother winced at the volume of his voice. He was not known to be  disrespectful, no matter how he felt.

"She's gone, m/n. Alright?" He could hear her voice shake on the other side. She wasn't trying to be mean, she was just trying her best. Erin was the daughter she never had. "I don't know everything that happened but I got a call and-"

He hung up. He couldn't take it anymore. The pain in her voice, the thoughts in his head. It was too much. It had to stop.

"Everyone, I have an announcement." Tamaki's voice interrupted. Thinking about it, he sounded much too similar to his mother.

It repulsed him.

"Lady éclaire and I are now officially engaged. In addition, the host club will dissolve after the ouran fair-"

"What the fuck?" M/n mumbled. His slow steps echoed through the silent room. Truthfully, it scared them. It scared them all.

"M/n-" Tamaki started, but it fell on deaf ears. Adrenaline was coursing through his blood at an unhealthy rate.

It burned. His entire body was on fire and he didn't know how to stop it. He hated this feeling. This feeling of helplessness.

He couldn't help Erin. He couldn't help Tamaki's mother. He couldn't help his friends. He couldn't help himself.

He couldn't help Tamaki.

"Who the hell do you think you are, Suoh?!"

"M/n I'm sorry but-"

"You're not a god, you're not a king, you're a human. A teenage boy who can't fucking marry anyone! A guy who has people that would put their life on the line for! You entitled piece of shit, you killed my sister!"

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There they were. The entire host club shouting 'surprise' in the tired boy's face. And as much as he wanted to smile and say his thanks no words were forming. 

Because there was one addition to the host club, one face he knew all too well. 

That of his little sister.

"Well you were sick and I figured you may want to see someone that could brighten up your day!" Tamaki quickly said but took the precaution of hiding behind Haruhi

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Tears formed rapidly, and streamed down his face just as quickly. No words were forming anymore.

Tamaki's collar shook in m/n's grip. He didn't know what to say. What could he even try to say?

I... killed her...?

No, no. That can't be right! I'm just following orders, that's all. I didn't anything up.

"And y-you... Have the fucking a-audacity... To dissolve the ONE piece of happiness I have left...?" M/n couldn't even muster up his voice above a whisper. It was pitiful.

"Get away from him!" Lady Eclaire finally managed to squeak out. In a feeble attempt to get the males away from eachother, she raised a hand and slapped him.

As I said, a feeble attempt.

He caught her wrist in his spare hand and twisted. Slowly, so it was all the more painful.

"You have no idea who you're touching." Her eyes pierced holes into his soul. However, he did the same.

"I know exactly who you are, and I only have one thing to say. You're not good enough for Tamaki Suoh. Not even close."

𝙡𝙫𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮 ; TAMAKI SUOHDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora