[scary guard dog]

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 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Though he hated the name, that made it all the more real.

"Now you listen to me, Haruhi is terrified of thunder! Whenever they hear it they get so scared they can't even move! Why don't you spend less time concentrating on your jealousy and worry about someone else for once!" 

Tamaki's words rung into a silent room. Everyone stopped any movement to look at him. 

"That doesn't make sense..." M/n whispered. They all looked at him, seeing as he was the only one to speak in minutes of silence. The male's hands shook as he stared at them. He slowly looked up to meet the angered purple eyes of the host club king. 

"Haruhi always told me they weren't afraid of anything, so how the hell did you know and I didn't?!" 

He raced through the muddy streets. The wind had started to pick up, the trees swaying violently with the rain. Each drop leaving a burning sensation on his skin. 

"I'd been so preoccupied with myself that I didn't notice my best friend's biggest fear?!" 

"Haruhi didn't tell me, I just found out." Tamaki's attempt at comforting words didn't work. They only angered the third-year more. 

"I'm going to find them—"

"M/n, wait!" 

"No!" He turned around, his fists balled in pure rage. A dangerous aura emitted from him. "I'm going to find—"

"Before you do that," Kyoya put a hand on his shoulder. "Look after your own sister once more." 

Yes, m/n had been preoccupied with his own life but for good reason. His sister. His sister who had a heart of gold. She was the most selfless child he had met. 

Maybe it was because she knew she didn't have much time left. Or maybe she thought she had all the time in the world. 

Who knew? 

"...Where's Erin?" 

So, there he raced through the streets of the small village. There was no coming back from a mistake like this. He not only neglected his best friend but also his little sister? Whom he swore to protect since the day she was born. 

He swore to protect both of them and failed them both. 

"Frere Jacques, frere Jacques, dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?" A small voice sang a lullaby in a nearby church. The walls were old, the stained glass even older. Though, the defining feature was the sloppy set of wet footprints leading inside. 

With a quick breath, he ran inside the church. 

"Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines!" 

It was an old french song sung to wake up children. 

"Ding-dang-dong, ding-dang-dong!"

This continued for what seemed like hours, but it was just what they all needed. A person of true kindness.

"Haruhi, Erin?" He called into the darkness of the church.

The small voice faded into soft whispers, the snores and finally... Nothing. The silence was frightening but calming nonetheless.

He took careful steps, each one making a new creak in the wooden floorboards below.

"I'm sorry, m/n."

This was a new voice. A familiar one but a new one. It sounded broken and in despair. M/n had never heard Hilaru sound quite so sad.

"I messed up everything, I'm really-"

"There's something you're going to learn as you grow up, Hikaru. It's going to be a long and painful road, one where there are no cheats or shortcuts. There is no treasure waiting for you at the other end but you have to prevail all the same. There is going to be someone, maybe multiple people that you will think the world of. Those people will become the most important people in your life. Choose them wisely. It only takes one person to destroy the path. But once you've found that person, never let go. Ease up on your grip a little, but don't let go. Trust me, it's the worst choice you could ever make."

From then on, m/n was no longer a scary guard dog, but a kind older brother.

 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


This book is a little more than halfway done btw hehe

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