Saving the princess from the buring tower only she lit the fire.

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When I first saw Bailey I thought she was perfect. She did everything so effortlessly, she read pages at twice my speed, she never laughed embarrassing laughs or smiled ugly smiles. She was always just perfect. But i later would find out that her being perfect was a mimic of her loss, and I would later fall deeper in love despite it.

After we kissed we kinda just sat in the room in silence for a bit. I was looking at her and she was looking down at her hands. I realized that she did that a lot. She would just stare at her hands, she wouldn't move them at all she would just stare at them and get lost somewhere far away.

After a while she sighed a heavy sigh and put her hands under her thighs.

"This doesn't make me your girlfriend." She said.

I look down, disappointed.

"I know." I said truthfully.

"And I'll never be. And to be honest I don't think we'll be friends even. Ever since my mother died I compare everything I do to her and I just-" she sighed again.

"-I just really can't bring another person into that you know. I can't let another person in until I'm me again. Because right now I'm just a daughter who doesn't have a mother anymore, but really needs one. So she keeps making everything she does about her mother like that will make her come back." She rushed.

I just sat there silent looking at her eyes will she was once again looking at her hands.

"Sorry, I haven't told anyone that. Not even my dad."

"Why?" I asked.

After a minute or two she said.
"I'm nothing like her. She was way prettier, way kinder, she was my role model. I tried so hard to be like her and then she died. And she died at my hands. Whenever I try to talk to my dad about it he just shuts me down. Ignoring the fact that I lost them too. Look I gotta go but don't tell anyone or I swear-"

"-I won't." I interrupted.

She stood up and walked over to the door not looking back. As she was turning the door handle she turned around.

"Again" she said "I'm sorry that I said all this. We can just go back to not talking now."

Then she just walked out cold as ever.

And it all just kinda sucked. Ok the plus I had seen why she was so guarded, but then she told me she wasn't opening up. And I had broken the wall between us, but she built it right back up.

I didn't want to stop talking.

I wanted to comfort her, like an idiot I just sat there the whole time and said nothing.

Which I really don't think was the best choice.

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