Chapter Two: UA's Weird

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The next morning, you open the folder left on your vanity. It's filled with your new UA statistics.

Student Name: L/n, Y/n
Student Number: 772
Class Room: 2-A
Course: Hero Studies
Year: Second

"Don't forget any of that shit either," Shigaraki mutters. "It took me forever to find a guy to successfully get you into the system."

You nod, skimming over it a few more times to remember everything.

"Uniforms in the bathroom, come down when you're done."

Shigaraki walks off as you follow begin him.

You read over the information one more time, making sure to remember each and every letter and number on the file.

Heading to the bathroom, you look at yourself. You don't recognize yourself at all. Your skin looks faded and dry from all the crying you've been doing.

Eyes are dry and red.

You turn on the water and splash some on your face to wake yourself up.

Images of Izumi's body flash through your head. Squeezing your eyes harder, you try to scrub away any memory of her.

You brush your teeth and agree to forget Izumi and the thought of her. You'll forget Kanime Prep altogether.

That was a learning experience.

Now you know that on this next assignment, don't get attached. Don't allow yourself to be vulnerable. Don't show any signs of emotion.

In and out is all it should be.

You slip on your new uniform, which isn't too different from the last, and examine yourself in the mirror.

You brush your hair into a high ponytail with a few strands left out and slip on your glasses.

Grabbing your bag, you head downstairs. Toga's at the bottom with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. You tell her to shut up under your breath.

"But Y/n, I feel like such a proud mom! My little murderer is finally going to hero school— AH! I need to capture this moment." She pulls out her phone and begins to take multiple pictures of you with her flash on.

You keep a blank expression. "I genuinely hope you jump off a bridge." You press your lips together and walk to the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" She asks as she rests her chin on your shoulder.

"I don't know, I'm really not hungry but I know I need to eat."

"It's been days," she reminds you.

Toga walks to the freezer and pulls out a box of Eggo toaster waffles. She puts two in the toaster for you.

You give an upside-down smile at the gesture. "Thank you, Himi."

"Any time." She gets out a plate. "I know the feeling after your first kill. You feel all guilty and dirty. Though, it wasn't like that for me. I know everyone's experiences are different."

The toaster pops and she removes your breakfast. "It'll get easier, I promise."

You nod and offer her some of your waffles before eating. She comes over to eat off your plate.

Dabi enters and sucks his teeth. "You share with her but not me? That's the same bitch who pulls over to eat roadkill."

"My gosh," you roll your eyes and cut a piece of your waffle for him. His eyes widen as he opens his mouth, waiting for the waffle to fall onto his tongue.

You laugh at how dumb he looks with his mouth open.

He grows irritated and ends up taking the whole fork from your hands and feeding it to himself.

He drops the fork on your plate, flips you off, and walks away.

"He's on his period," Toga says.

"I figured," you say taking another bite.


Your eyes widen at how big the campus is in person. There are tons of students and heroes at every corner. You quickly fix your facial expression.

You can't look too new, or people are going to pay attention to you.

You stride off to the large set of doors standing in front of you.

Entering the building, you sigh and find your way to class 2-A.

Along the way, you bump into an ash blonde with a vexed expression on his face. You furrow your brows with a look just as corresponding.

"Watch it, shithead." He mutters as he pushes past you.

"Grow a pair and I just might." You mutter back.

He stares into your (e/c) eyes with a look of undeniable hatred.

Once he realizes you aren't intimidated in the slightest, he makes a "Tch," noise before walking off.

You roll your eyes and keep walking.

Don't feel like beating ass today anyways.

You approach the doors of your new class. Once you step in, the chatter goes from loud, to quiet, to nonexistent. All eyes are on you.

You'd think by time you're on your fifth high school assignment, you'd be used to the "new girl" stares.

Nope, just as embarrassing as it's always been.

You lower your head and keep moving.

They watch you sit down behind the green-haired kid and in front of the girl with a high ponytail, then their conversations continue.

You take a look at the students. They all look...different? Not what you're used to at all.

Each classmate has something uniquely abnormal about them. One of them is entirely pink with horns. Or the one with a lightning bolt birthmark in his hair, or is it dye?

Not to mention the guys with wings that look like arms that have human body parts at the ends of them. It's low-key scary.

The bell rings and as if on cue, who you assume to be the teacher, walks in. He slams the door shut and walks up to you in silence.

The smell of coffee grows stronger with each of his steps.

"Class," he starts. "This is L/n, Y/n. If you haven't put two and two together yet, she's our new student."

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