Chapter Twenty-One: Suits With a Side of Suicide

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"Breaking News! This just in: Pro Hero Ragdoll, who has now been formally identified as Tomoko Shiretoko, was announced dead as of this morning.

"The cause of death isn't certain, but Officials claim that because of the scenery and environment, Shiretoko was a victim of suicide. It's been portrayed as if the Shiretoko purposely poured rat poisoning into a drink of hers.

"When members of the Wild, Wild Pussycats were questioned, they all had the same story. Shiretoko look extremely tired all of a sudden and was obsessed with a certain book. They said she became quiet and would draw random spirals on any sort of notebook paper she could find.

"The investigation is still in progress and the Wild, Wild Pussycats have asked to stay out of the media spotlight for now. Requesting for peace and a chance to grieve over their lost loved one at this time.

"Japan's suicide rates have risen twenty-five percent within the past couple of days. Citizens fear there may be something in the atmosphere driving people mad, so they are choosing to stay indoors. Others fear it's something in the food and figure it's best to starve themselves until things get better.

"We have no leads on the case at the moment, but detectives are investigating as we speak.

"I'm your news anchor, Onaga Ryoko live with Channel Nine news, and we'll be right back with your next story."


You're sitting in your assigned seat in class.

The words the woman from the news this morning repeat in your head.

'Japan's suicide rates have risen twenty-five percent within the past couple of days.'

What could be going on?

You pull up the news article, get up, and place your phone on Katsuki's desk. "What the fuck are you—"

"Read." You mutter. Katsuki gives you a hesitant look before quickly reading through the article. You watch as his facial expressions tense after each paragraph.

When he's done, he looks at you with a worried expression. "Katsuki..." You start.

"It's nothing to freak out over. The Pros have it under control," he says in an attempt to reassure you.

Honestly, Katsuki was just as scared as you were. Not that he'd ever admit it.

Aizawa enters the room, and within seconds, you and your classmates are in your assigned seats.

He lets out a heavy sigh.

"Mr. Aizawa?" Mina calls out with her hand raised. "Can you tell us what's going on? Why's everyone offing—"

"We were specifically told to not bring up the concept among students. We are to continue class as we normally would until further notice. However, I will tell you this. Pros know just as much as you do. Feel free to do whatever you want with that information."

He opens his drawer and pulls out a couple of creamers for his coffee. "So, this week we have a small project that the teachers put together hoping to lighten the mood."

Aizawa places a stack of papers on each desk in the front row. They take one for themselves and pass it to the person behind them.

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