Chapter Twenty: Rounds with Katsuki

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You open your eyes and see an angry blonde staring at you.

"Katsuki," you groan. "Please don't start with me this morning. I'm tired."


"Oh my gosh," you sit up and scoop up Pyro in an instant, receiving a bite in return. "Now go away."

You manage to close your eyes again but open them once you still feel his presence. "What do you want now?"

"I—" Before he can answer, your door swings open. Kirishima and Kaminari come running in.

"Y/n!" They yell in unison.

"I'm gonna kill every single one of you." You mutter.

Kirishima pushes past Bakugou to stand in front of you. "Y/n, you wanna come train with us? Bakubro usually helps us out on Sundays. Denki told us about how good you did that the gym yesterday, we wanna see some of the action too."

"We won't go away until you say yes!" Kaminari adds.

You roll over and close your eyes.

You drift off to sleep, but once you feel yourself bump into something you grunt and stir awake.

You're met face-to-face with Kaminari next to you in your bed. "What the fuck are you doing." You say sternly.

"We're waiting for you to say yes." He smiles. You look at the foot of your bed to see Kirishima playing with Pyro.

Katsuki's sitting at your desk on his phone.

You sigh in defeat. "Fine. I'll go. Thirty minutes at most."

They share a grin and hop out of your bed.

Katsuki takes a moment to watch you as you drearily get out of bed. He can tell you're tired.

The eye bags gave you away. Along with the delayed sense in your movements.

Katsuki decided to make this a quick session. He just wanted to know more about your quirk, that's all.

Once you've brushed your teeth, you follow the boys to training grounds.


You stand against a wall with your arms folded. Watching Kaminari throw electric attacks at Kirishima who's using his hardening against him.

Another yawn leaves your lips.

You look over and see Katsuki staring at you. "What?"

"You're not training."

"My quirks the fucking best, I don't need to train." You say smugly.

Instantly, he starts throwing explosions toward you while you're off guard. Causing you to stumble backward.

Kirishima wraps you in his arms while using his hardening quirk to protect you from any more blasts while Kaminari shoots electric bolts at Katsuki.

"What? She was being a smartass. I wanted to put those reflexes to the test." Katsuki laughs.

You turn yourself invisible and force your way out of Kirishima's arms.

"Where'd she—"

Quietly, you make your way to Katsuki. From behind him, you run the tip of your finger across the back of his arm.

He turns around to try and figure out where you are. While he's distracted, you send an explosion, similar to his, from your palm into his face

You turn off your invisibility quirk and grin. "Let's try that again." You get in a fighting stance and Katsuki wants nothing more than to watch you suffer.

He starts vigorously shooting his explosions. You activate your force field causing his explosions to project off of it.

You send a gust of wind in his direction as you teleport behind him and kick his leg under him.

Just as you're about to pin him to the ground, he shoots an explosion in your face. Your face burns as he swiftly stands up and throws you over his shoulder.

You let out a hard grunt once you hit the ground.

Katsuki smiled smugly above you. Gritting your teeth, you shoot both your feet into his chest.

He uses his explosions to propel himself into the air. Sending another attack at you from the sky.

A spark hits your leg, causing you to grunt in pain.

Instead of letting it get to you, you absorb the energy.

Katsuki knew you were tired. He also knew that when you're tired you can't control your quirk that well.

He sent rounds of AP-Shots at you until he thought you were down for good.

You lay on the ground, weak, for about thirty seconds.

You pant to catch your breath. You had to admit, Katsuki wasn't as ass as you'd thought he be. He gave you no time to think of a plan with his back-to-back explosions.

He was good.

But you were better.

Katsuki came closer to you. He dropped on one knee, lending you a hand to help you up.

Even though you were having a panting fit, exhausted to an unimaginable extent, still, you grabbed his hand and forcefully pulled him toward you. And let out a massive explosion from your palm.

Just like the ones he'd thrown at you.

Katsuki goes flying into a wall as you let out a weak chuckle followed by pants.

Kaminari runs up to you. "Are you okay?" He asks panicked. Skimming over your body for any bruises. "Wait— Dude, is she laughing..?"

Your chuckles slowly turned into hysterical laughter.

There was an adrenaline rush going on now that you'd beat Katsuki.

You jump out of Kaminari's arms and stretch your arms above your head. "Whew! I haven't fought like that in forever!" You smile. "I didn't know I still had it in me."

All your assignments were filled with easy-take-out assignments. All you had to do was kill, not once have you ever had to fight your target.

It felt amazing knowing someone could've beat you if they tried.

Your laughter is interrupted by a yell.

Katsuki lets out a loud explosion and flings himself toward the rest of you. "I'M GONNA HURT YOU SO BAD THEY'RE GONNA HAVE TO THROW ME IN JAIL FOR MURDER!" He shouts.

"That's if I'm not locked up for the same thing," you mumble under your breath. That makes you laugh even harder.

"HEY!" Katsuki yells over you. "WHAT'S SO DAMN FUNNY?!"

Looking at his angry face makes you laugh even harder. "You're so ugly bro— I can't breathe!" You force out through laughter.

"She's psycho as fuck," Kirishima mutters.

Kaminari grins while watching you laugh. "She is, isn't she?"

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