Part IV. Bakugô Masaru must be protected.

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Masaru knew something was wrong with his wife. She had this distant look on her face, her eyes lost somewhere on the wall in front of her. Not only that, she also meticulously dried the clean crockery before putting it back in the dishwasher and starting it again. For the second time.

« I think it's clean by now, honey, » Masaru noted.

The sound of his voice seemed to make her snap out of her thoughts.

« What ? What's clean ? » she asked with a surprised look.

« The dishes, » Masaru laughed. « It's their third washing... Not that it wasn't funny watching you, but I'm worried about our next utility bill. »

« Oh, shut up, » the ash-blond haired woman grumbled and slammed her tea towel on the counter.

Masaru smiled at her pout, but didn't tease her anymore. He knew better than provoking that beautiful dragon he married.

« What's the matter ? » he finally asked.

« We should have talked to Katsuki ! » Mitsuki immediately replied, as if she'd been waiting for the question. « I mean, we left our sixteen years old son and his girlfriend alone at home, what do you think happened ?! »

Masaru's eyes widened behind his glasses. So that was what bothered her all this time ?

« I don't know, honey... It's more a feeling than an assessment, but... I don't think they reached this point yet. »

« Because they lacked the opportunity to ! Remember, we've been young adults too ! Anytime the parents were out, it was the Shag Party ! »

The brown-haired man grinned as some colourful memories flooded his thoughts. Oooh yeah, he remembered !

« Stop smirking you pervert, » Mitsuki smiled, whacking him on the shoulder. « I still think we should have talked to him about sex and all. I don't want to be a grandma yet ! »

« You're worrying for nothing, sweetie. Katsuki might have the temper he has thanks to a certain someone's DNA, he's always been taking good care of his girlfriend so far. I don't think he's the type to rush things when it comes to this. »

« Damn he better not or I'll kick this brat's ass all the way to Pluto and back ! But I never said that he'd rush things, it looks like he surprisingly behaves when she's around. All I'm just saying is that they're reaching the age where it's natural to start wanting to do this kind of things. As his parents it's our job to have a talk with him before he just blindly dives into it. A little of prevention never hurts, don't you think ? »

« That won't be easy for you to corner him into this... » Masaru laughed, already picturing his wife trying to tie their son to his chair as she yelled about birds and bees.

« I know. That's why you'll do it, » Mitsuki declared, making her husband cough on his coffee.

« Excuse me ?! »

« I excuse you, but you'll still do it. »

« Wait a minute, Mitsuki... »

« Come on honey, think about it, it's logical. First, you have an easier contact with him than I do. And second, I think no teenager boy on this planet wanna speak about sex with his mom. You're his dad, it'll be a man-to-man conversation, it'll go smoother ! »

« I thought we would do this as a team ! What happened to the 'raising a child is a job for two' principle that you've served me since he was born ?! »

« Listen to me now, Bakugô Masaru, » Mitsuki's voice dropped its sweetness as she glared into her husband's eyes, letting him know that the negotiations were over. « If I've been able to carry and give birth to this living stick of dynamite after nine months of morning sickness and seven fucking hours of labour, you better be able to handle a ten minutes talk. »

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