Part V. A little bit of tenderness.

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Part V. A little bit of tenderness.

You had mixed feelings concerning Katsuki's moving in U.A.'s dorms. It was several stations away from his house, which wasn't very far from yours. Your own high school, however, was also few stations away, but in the opposite direction. This increased distance was trivial, however, compared to the safety he would benefit from staying at the dorms. U.A.'s security has been exponentially reinforced in the past months after all, and if seeing him less would avoid him being kidnapped by the League of Villains again, the price to pay was piddling. That was what you kept telling yourself when you set one foot on U.A.'s private ground, a visitor's pass hanging around your neck and bouncing off your chest at the rhythm of your pace.

You stopped in front of the dining area, checking if you heard any noise through the thick closed doors. You had to pass here to access the rooms, but if a student from another school could almost blend into the masses, there was no way the people living in the building would let you slip without asking questions.

You knew that Bakugô didn't tell a single soul about you. He was overly protective of his private life, the single thought of having to answer questions about a relationship that concerned nobody except the two of you was enough to make him want to punch walls. So if anyone saw you and asked you who you were, you'd have to lie, and you hated that.

« I wonder if Deku knows, though... » you thought as you entered the hall.

If he did, Midoriya never acted like he had a clue. Still, you suspected him to have guessed what was going on between Katsuki and you. He'd seen the two of you interact back in middle school after all, and he was also Bakugô's childhood friend. He surely noticed little things that probably set him on the right path, but Deku was a good kid, he wouldn't tell.

« He probably knows that Katsuki will throw him out of a window if he tells anything anyway... »

You shyly entered the hall, sighing in relief when you saw that nobody was around. Quickly, you made your way towards the nearest elevator, stopped at the fourth floor, and knocked at Katsuki's door.

« H-Hey, » you nervously said, giving him a weak smile when he opened.

It was the first time you were meeting with him after his rescue and All Might's fall, and you had no idea how you should behave. You just wanted to hold him tight and ask him over and over if he was alright, but you knew it would only have a negative impact on him. Only weaklings needed to be pampered.

« Yo, » Katsuki said after a moment spent scrutinizing your face.

He finally stood aside, letting you enter without a word. You tried to find something to talk about to act trivial, like the quite spacious surface of his room, or how you missed your station, but nothing came out of your tight throat. Putting your jacket on the back of his chair, you sat down on the floor and started helping him unpacking his boxes.


The noise of the cutter cutting through the tape holding another box closed made you turn your head. Bakugô was sitting on the floor nearby, his back turned to you as he gathered his books in his arms. You held back a sigh as you watched him, trying to guess what expression might be displayed on his hidden face. You were usually good at knowing what and how he was thinking, but not today. Today he was... closed. Leaving you locked out.

You felt a tightness awakening within your chest, making it hard to breathe. Today was the first day you were reunited with him, but it wasn't the first time you were seeing him since the accident. You were there. You were there that day, among the masses assembled in the city, watching All Might's last fight on the large screens hung on the many buildings. You were there when Katsuki was taken by the police, only few tens meters away, stuck behind the forces of order's barricades. He looked so calm back then...

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