Part XX. Love me tender.

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Part XX. Love me tender.

You still weren't sure of how Katsuki managed to talk you into a two days long hike, but you hated him for succeeding. This afternoon's scorching heat had long defeated your will to live, making your cheeks pink and your body sweaty. Your clothes, yet light, stuck to your dripping skin, and despite the cap glued on your head and your sunglasses, you had to squint to see forward, blinded by the sunlight. You were dragging yourself behind, feet scrapping the ground in your lack of enthusiasm. God, even the air you were exhaling felt like fire, burning your lungs and throat with each breath, your mouth as dry as a girl's panties on a date with Mineta. The heavy backpack charged on your shoulders wasn't helping, causing you to sag in the slope.

« Hey, Katsu, » you weakly called the blond walking in front of you. « Can we take a break ? »

Several meters ahead, Katsuki turned around, grinning when he saw you staggering.

« What ? Again ? Can't even take a walk under the sun ? »

Of course, his Quirk getting stronger under hot temperatures, the bastard was under the sweltering heat like a duck to water. He was sweating a lot too, obviously, but it didn't seem to affect him more than that. He even had the immeasurable nerve to start tanning, you could see the demarcation between the exposed skin of his calves and knees, where his cropped trousers stopped. For once, he was wearing a white top, probably not masochist enough to put something black by this heat, except for the cap flattening his spiky hair.

« Under the sun, my ass, » you glared. « I felt like we took a wrong path and are descending in hell. I wouldn't be surprised to see little red-skinned horned devils running after me and pricking my butt with pitchforks right now. »

« I'd fucking cheer them on if it'd make you go faster. »

« A-ha. Aren't you funny. »

Exhausted, you bent over, your hands compressing the stitch stinging above your hip. Few drops of sweat ran down your face and crashed at your feet.

« For fuck's sake, » you heard Katsuki say in mockery as his footsteps grew louder. « You wouldn't last long on a battlefield. »

« I'm not in a hero course, so I think it's fine, » you groaned. « It's your job to secure my untrained, civilian ass. »

Briefly, you felt yourself being pulled upward before feeling fundamentally lighter. You stared at Katsuki with the utmost flabbergasted expression as he hoisted your own backpack on his shoulder, not even tottering under the extra weight. Without a word, he just kept on walking ahead, calling you out.

« Come on now ! We're almost there ! Don't fall behind ! »

You blinked, not expecting him to behave like a decent human being today. Reinvigorated, you jogged until you were walking side by side.

« Somehow, you were right, seeing you being nice kinda freaks me out, » you said.

« Fuck you ! »

Katsuki hadn't lie. Barely ten minutes after what you would always refer to as the 'backpack miracle', the two of you had arrived in a clearing. The presence of the numerous surrounding trees finally offered some shadow to your mistreated, roasted self, something you were grateful for as you tumbled on the ground. You definitely felt like ascending to heaven when a breeze rose and cooled your skin down, taking a deep breath of the fresh air carrying fragrances of herb and camomile flowers.

« Let's stay under the trees for now, » Katsuki decided. « If we put the tent up now it will be a goddamn furnace when we'll get in there. »

The aforementioned tent was the main reason why you both had huge, heavy backpacks. Between the tent pegs, the canvas and the frames, you already had one full, but to disappear in the nature for two days, one tent wasn't enough for the camping. You also packed food, water, sleeping bags, torches, clothes, toiletries, phones, wallets, a camping stove, and, your very own Holy Grail knowing who you were travelling with, a first aid kit.

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