Part VII. For better or for worse.

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Part VII. For better or for worse.

It was the first time Katsuki and you had vacations without needing to spend them studying for an upcoming test, and he estimated that the both of you deserved a break. A break from school, a break from stupid Deku, a break from the old hag, basically a break from everything. And naturally, like every time he needed some space to breathe, climbing came to his mind.

He started climbing as a kid, when his parents were looking for an activity that could channel his energy. His mom first tried to hook him up on volleyball, being a former player herself, but Katsuki wasn't really made for team sports. Then, one day, his dad took him to the climbing club out of sheer curiosity, and it worked out just fine. His son immediately liked being left alone scrambling on a wall without having to worry about falling.

Subsequently, when Katsuki grew too agitated to stay between the four walls of a house, Masaru took him to the club, and later initiated him to climbing outdoors. Katsuki liked the challenge of taking on a harder face, where he had to find a way by himself instead of following the gym's forgone path.

You weren't a confirmed climber like him, but he didn't mind lowering the difficulty and choose an easier route for you. He knew a place with an inn nearby where he could book a room. His dad already took him here countless times, he knew the area like the back of his hand. Sounded great.

« Water... Snacks... Toiletries... » he enumerated as he rummaged through his huge bag, checking that everything was here. If there was one thing mountain climbing taught him, it was that it's too late to remember something when you're already thirty meters above the ground.

As he moved aside the first aid kid, he squinted, taking view of the now familiar rectangular shape of his condoms' box.

Was it really necessary ? Or was he getting ahead of himself ?

« Packing won't hurt. Doesn't mean I have to use them at any cost, » he mumbled for himself, zipping his bag closed.

Fuck, who the hell was he trying to fool saying half-baked shit like this ? Of course he had ulterior motives ! Of course he expected something to happen ! For someone who thought he was ace, he was now properly excited at the idea of having sex. It had been nice to fool around with each other's body like you did, but now it felt like only half unwrapping a Christmas gift.

Katsuki wasn't an idiot. He knew that he wouldn't have been able to directly jump into the real deal, but after the taste of the forbidden fruit you gave him, he'd grown impatient to eat it all. After watching the trailers for so long, he wanted to see the whole movie, damn it !


The trip went perfectly. The place Katsuki took you was rather touristic, but it wasn't the high-season yet, so you had most of the climbing spots for yourselves. The weather was sunny and warm, with a bit of wind once you reached a certain altitude. The birds were chirping in the pines, their fresh perfume carried by the breezes. Even your grumpy boyfriend seemed in a happier mood than usual as he climbed ahead of you.

« He gets all joyful because he's in the woods, what a fucking Disney princess, » you laughed for yourself. « Who knows, maybe by the end of the day I'll see him do vocal exercises and talk to birds ? »

The truth was that it'd been a long time since he could take a break from the hero course. Anytime he dared to relax or even just slow down on the aggressiveness around his classmates, they made fun of him, asking shit like 'Bakugô are you sick ?', which only had the effect to send him back in his shell cursing and threatening to kill everybody in the room. His mother sometimes had the same bad habit.

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