Part VIII. It was love at first fight I.

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Part VIII. It was love at first fight I.

Head low between his shoulders, his black gakuran's collar scratching his cheeks, Bakugô was only paying a minor attention to what the teacher was grumbling. All his focus was dedicated to glancing around, grinning in a mix of contempt and arrogance, analysing the Quirks around him.

« What a bunch of fucking losers, » he thought. « What do we have here ? Another wind bender, a telekinetic, a dude who takes his eyes off, another one who puffs his cheeks... Seriously, you want to be heroes with those cheap Quirks ? You would fit better in a zoo, stupids. »

However, his ego-trip wobbled when his gaze landed on Midoriya. This fucking nerd looked exhausted, half-asleep as he took notes. He'd been behaving like this for several weeks now, and even if Bakugô didn't know what this idiot was doing on his free time exactly, he could recognize someone who was over-training their body when he saw one. Which could only mean one thing : the damn nerd hadn't given up on U.A. Daydreaming about being a hero again. Who the hell did he think he was ? This academy was already hard to get in for people with strong Quirks, and yet here he was, applying as if nothing could go wrong for him. Even worse, the nerd was attempting the same high school as him, Bakugô Katsuki. It meant that this fucking Deku thought they were on the same level, that they had equal chances to make it through the entrance's exam.

« Even now, he's still fucking... looking down on me ! » Bakugô internally simmered.

He really didn't like the idea that Midoriya didn't let go of his silly dreams even when he fucking ordered him to. This fact alone was like an insult to him. Maybe did he gain some lousy confidence when he tried to rescue him from the sludge villain ?

« He didn't even do anything besides putting himself in danger, » Katsuki thought. « All Might saved the day, not him. »

He shouldn't be so worried, he knew it. Without a Quirk, it was impossible for this nerd to get into U.A., no matter how hard he trained. The exam entrance would wipe him out and it would be over for him in the blink of an eye. He just had to wait. Yet he couldn't help this raging feeling burning inside him.


Bakugô growled as he made his way through the middle school's corridor, impermeable to the white noises and random chit-chats filling the air. He didn't pay more attention to the repetitive interjections behind him, yet he was the one they were trying to reach.

« Hey ! You ! Hey ! »

« 'You don't know 'til you try.' 'It's been my dream since I was a kid', » Katsuki mentally echoed his oldest friend's words. « Bullshit ! »

« Hey ! You uh... Fuck I don't remember your name ! But please stop ! Hey ! »

« That fucking nerd just can't face reality ! »

« Heeeeey ! You, the blond one ! Stooop ! I'm not gonna run after you all day ! Are you deaf ?! »

« I'm gonna piss myself laughing when this fucking idiot will end in some creepy second-zone high school after failing at U.A. ! Ha ! »


This time, you shouted at the top of your lungs, not caring if the whole floor heard. Everybody froze in silence for a second, eyes scanning the crowd to find who matched this incongruous description to finally stop on Bakugô, and the accuracy of the depiction made pretty everyone wheeze.

Well, everyone except the aforementioned porcupine. Steaming with rage, he turned around to see who he needed to explode through the nearest window.

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