Part XV. I need a hero.

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Part XV. I need a hero.

When seeing you together for the first time, people might think that Bakugô and you were mismatched. More than you truly were at least. The spiky head was rude, choleric, violent, and you were... almost normal. But what made things work in the first place wasn't the classical 'opposites attract' belief. In fact, the both of you had more in common than people would think, you just had very different ways of expressing yet the same idea. A good example to demonstrate this was why neither of you talked about your relationship to others. If some might assume that Bakugô forced you into a total silence because he didn't assume his own feelings, the real reason was completely different.

It was true that Bakugô wasn't the type of lover who shouted their love from the rooftops and asked people if they noticed how beautiful you were today. He never was expansive to begin with, but if he didn't say a word about you to anyone, it was mostly out of prudishness. He didn't open easily and didn't feel the need to share personal informations with people. That was none of their business.

You once pinpointed that there was also a good probability that people wouldn't even believe him if he said that he had a girlfriend, seeing how much of an ass he could be, but he pretended like he didn't hear. He knew you weren't wrong.

For you, however, the reason wasn't exactly the same. Contrary to Bakugô, you considered that having a boyfriend was part of the trivia that could be innocently shared in the course of conversation, you didn't really mind if people knew. But for now, you kept it down for a very specific reason.

Being only in your first year of high school, most of your friends and classmates were several light years away from you in term of relationship stuff. Most of them didn't even had their first kiss yet when you were already having some heavy hanky-panky. You knew it from a friend's experience that people who started those things a bit ahead of others were often saw like a circus freak, and that under the pretext of curiosity, some might greedily overstep the boundaries of your privacy to ask all sort of questions.

Plus, it wasn't exactly as if you were seeing a random boy. Bakugô was part of the best hero course of the country, already had some media coverage, and was promised to be a lot more known in the future. It felt a bit like dating a star, but as exciting as it sounded, it also strengthened your conviction that keeping quiet was the best option.

'To live happy, live hidden.'


Your foot rhythmically tapped the ground as you waited in front of Bakugô's door, arms crossed over your chest. The only sounds filling the air were the ones of the birds chirping in the wild garden, and the absence of screams and curses made you doubt you were at the good address until a familiar form opened. You choked on your own spit when you saw how unusually dressed he was, and spoke in a struggled laugh.

« Greetings, Ô High Priest of the Goth Pumpkins, I'm here to enquire about my dearest boyfriend, the son of this household, can you perhaps lemme penetrate your mansion and share a moment with him ? »

« Keep going and this door is going straight into your teeth, » Katsuki growled, body shaking in anger.

« Aw, please do not brutalise my poor, miserable self who only lives for your eyes, Katsuki dear, light of my world, jewel of my heart, treasure of my existence-»

« Cracker of your bones if don't shut up. »

« Piercer of my vagina ! »

« What the fuck ?! Do you want to round up the whole neighbourhood yelling like this ?! » he shouted, smacking his hand against your mouth. « Tch... what are you doing here anyway ? You're not supposed to hang out with your classmates or some shit ? »

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