Part XVII. Unleashed.

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Part XVII. Unleashed.

Nothing good could be going on when Bakugô was calm and silent, people who rubbed shoulders with him knew that. A wrath that had grown deep within, invisible, sheltered from the things that could have forestalled it would always be far more destructive that one which exploded immediately, like a grenade with its pin pulled out. That's why if anyone had seen him at this moment, seated on his bed, head low and hands open on his knees, palms facing the ceiling, that person would have most likely walked away and waited for the storm to pass.

Anger rarely engendered anything positive. Katsuki knew this better than anyone, yet it was mostly anger who led him throughout life. On the good days, his rage was put to good use, to support his infallible desire to win, and it allowed him to laugh in front of every wall blocking his way before punching it to dust. But on the bad days, this adrenaline turned into a sour feeling silently boiling within him, flooding his mind with the insecurities and complexes he thought he'd overcome and left behind, overflowing him until he snapped.

Today wasn't a good day.

It all started this afternoon, when he overheard Deku and Four-Eyes chatting about the provisional licence. It should have been meaningless, yet it triggered something in him, and like the domino effect, his old demons awoke and dragged others along.

The provisional licence. The step he missed. The step ahead of him that Deku already took. The internship that was denied to him while the damn nerd got to prance at All Might's former sidekick's place. The feeling of falling behind despite being a natural genius. What did all those praises and prizes mean if once gathered, they couldn't even form a stepping stone high enough to make him jump ahead of Deku ?

He wasn't sure who he was mad at. At Deku for basically existing ? At everyone for covering him with shallow words of admiration and encouragement which didn't mean squat ? Or at him, for not being good enough ? He couldn't tell. All he knew and felt was this raging heat pulsing through him and urging him to break things.

The three little knocks on his door made his fingers twitched.

« Bakugô ? » the soft voice of Kirishima said as he carefully opened the door and peeked inside the room. « We're all going to the cinema and then probably grab a bite in town, do you wanna join us ? »

The red-haired knew the answer too well, but he judged that it would have been rude to not ask and just leave Bakugô alone in the dorms without a word. Now he was glad he went upstairs to check on his friend, because the atmosphere of the room seriously worried him.

« Bakugô ? » Kirishima asked again when no answer came. « Are you okay, buddy ? »

« Get out, » Katsuki curtly ordered when he felt like Kirishima might come in and try to help him.

The spiky-haired boy suffered the rejection with a grimace. He was used to Bakugô yelling and swearing, but when he was oddly silent and distant like this, he worried, not knowing how to help. Upset at his own uselessness, Kirishima looked at his friend without getting a single glance back.

« Okay, » he gave up, not wanting to piss the blond-haired boy off even more by staying when he wasn't wanted. « Have a nice evening, Bakugô. »

After this, the door closed softly.


You were surprised by the sheer silence reigning in U.A. when you arrived, as if the school was desert. Now that you thought about it, you crossed paths with a joyful bunch of teens wearing the same uniform than Katsuki on your way, maybe was it his class ? That would explain the utter lack of life in the dorms you were entering, heading to a familiar door where Kirishima knocked softer than you earlier. You could easily tell two things when Katsuki opened. First, he wasn't in a good mood. Second, he forgot that you were supposed to pay a visit.

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