Part XIV. Option F.

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Part XIV. Option F.

It was true that Bakugô had a hard time admitting he grew feelings for someone else besides his own ass. The very sole word of 'feelings' still made him nauseous, even today. But just because Mister Grumpy Pants -pants that he really should learn to pull up one day- struggled with his crush didn't mean that things went smoother for you at the beginning. Far from it. Because of him, you spent part of your last year of middle school half wanting to kill him, half wanting to kill yourself, and half wanting to make out with him. Yes, three halves, fuck mathematics, thirds are for the weak.

Because if Bakugô hated himself for just developing feelings, you hated yourself from nurturing yours for the wrong person.

« So the rumours are true, huh ? » you thought, cheek resting against your desk with a sheerly depressed look on your face. « Girls really fall for assholes... Thank God we're not going to the same high school next year. »

Why, among the three billions men living on this planet, did your heart pick Bakugô ? Was it dumb or something ? But besides the incomprehension of your own feelings, you felt anger more than anything. You didn't want to fall for someone who didn't deserve it, someone who wouldn't even try to take good care of what you had to offer. Why couldn't you fall for someone else ? For a nice, normal boy who heard of politeness at least once ?

« To think I've been won over just because we exchange a bit of sass here and there, » you sadly smirked. « I'm pathetically easy... »

Hopefully for the sake of your mood, one of your friends entered the classroom and tumbled on the chair near you, looking at you with concern.

« Are you alright ? » she asked.

« I hate myself and if I had the legal age already, I'd get drunk to forget my miserable existence. »

« I'll take that as a no... Oh, I know ! You're getting sad because it's almost Valentine's day ? »

« Uh ? Why should I get sad around Valentine's day ? »

« Well... Because it's the day every couple will shove their happiness into our single faces ? Uuuh, I want a boyfriend already. »

« Oh yeah, same, » you answered in your most jeering tone. « Can't wait to give away what's left of my free time to some horrible, nasty, self-centred, uncouth boy who will play with my naive feelings, make fun of me, make me feel like I'll never be good enough, and finally lamentably dump me because I don't perfectly match his ridiculous high standards modelled on the girls in his porn mags hidden under his bed. »

Your friend looked at you with wide eyes, her brain labouring to integrate the wholeness of your tirade.

« Wow, » she let out in both admiration and worry. « Why are you giving me the same pessimistic speech than girls who just got dumped ? All it lacks is the 'men are all pigs' line. What's gotten into you ? »

« Nothing, » you pouted. You'd rather die than admit that you had a crush on the worst guy your middle school ever had between its walls. But it would take more than this empty answer to make your friend give up, and she came to kneel near your desk, studying your face.

« You can't have been dumped since I know you don't have a boyfriend... And you can't have been turned down after confessing since you don't have a crush on anyone... From what I know, at least. »

The last words made you blush, and you promptly turned your head away. Damn her !

« Oh my God. You've got a crush. You've got a crush and you told me nothing ?! » she yelled and shook you by the shoulders. « And you dare to call yourself a friend ?! Who is it ?! Who is it ?! »

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