Part XIII. Lord Explosion Murder in the streets...

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Part XIII. Lord Explosion Murder in the streets... Lord Explosion Murder in the sheets.

Bakugô was part of those people who cleared their minds while running, their bodies shifting on auto-pilot, already used to a regular pace. It relaxed him, and sometimes even opening him a bit to dialogue. You could count the number of times he proposed you to join him for a run on the fingers of one hand. The two of you didn't exactly had the same daily workout, so the difference between you in stamina was far from negligible. You were more of a drag than anything during your jogging, he could have easily outdistanced you if he wanted to, but yet, every once in a while, he would ask you if you wanted to come with him, apparently not minding exceptionally lowering the difficulty.

But today definitely wasn't a day for a run. To quote Deadpool, the weather was 'as nice as a sandpaper dildo'. The clouds above your heads looked menacing when you left home, all grey and swollen with rain, and now here you were, soaked to the skin while the sky unleashed its tears.

« Fucking weather ! » Bakugô swore, taking shelter under the first canopy he saw. « I fucking hate rain, » he groaned, rubbing his hands against his pants in vain try to dry them.

Trying to dry wet hands with a soaked cloth was as successful as trying to extinguish a fire by throwing a torch into it, but it didn't click in his mind, and he just kept rubbing. He never stood being unable to use his Quirk, hence his sheer disgust for wet or cold hands, but it took a sharp turn recently, to the point where he almost became maniac about the whole wet hands things. Having already being kidnapped twice at the young age of sixteen undeniably left some scars.

« Fuck, » you sighed, perfectly out of breath.

You were about to join your boyfriend under the canopy when the couple exiting the building it belonged to caught your attention. The guy had his arm tightly held around the girl's waist, whispering at her ear in the same time. Your eyes absentmindedly followed them before switching to the other passers-by. Weirdly enough, pretty all of them looked at Katsuki, sometimes giving him a disapproving look, sometimes a conniving smile. You understood when you read the giant red sign flickering on the front.

« No way ! » you broke in laughter.

« The fuck are you doing ? » Katsuki said, dragging you under the awning. « Get your ass here before you get sick ! »

« Oh my God Katsu, you're... you're.... » you hiccuped, tears streaming down your cheeks. « You're really as dense as a black hole ! It's a love hotel, you dummy ! » you shouted, not able to form any more word as you almost rolled on the ground.

Katsuki's face went through the whole rainbow's colours before settling on an incandescent red. It looked like you could fry eggs on his cheeks, seriously. Damn it ! From all the goddamn awnings of the shitty-ass town, he had to stop precisely under the most embarrassing one. Fucking karma !

« Let's go somewhere else ! » he shouted, grabbing your wrist to force you following him.

« Why ? » you asked, resisting. « I think we should get in. »

« Get in ?! » Katsuki echoed in sheer astonishment. « Are you even aware what this shit is built for ?! »

« What, you mean this is NOT a bakery ?! Such a disappointment, I'm craving for a croissant... I know what this place is for, silly, » you smiled. « Why not try it ? It can be fun and we're here anyway. »

Your little black hole opened wide eyes at this. No. No, no, no. There was no way in hell he would set one foot in Hump City ! Only filthy perverts took their girls in this kind of place, not a respectable hero in training like him !

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