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Considering that elven girl didn't really know how to navigate in the forest, our only hope was that following Regis extremely sharp senses we would sooner or later find a teleportation gate.

Still, remembering all my life experience in this world before --which was basically nonexistent because I always was with my family and had no chance to explore this world due to my small child's body, this journey was good. Traveling, sleeping over campfires at night and just talking some stories, sharing information about our kingdoms with Tessia and how our people live, was good experience.

Though I didn't really know who was this girl or how should have I acted with her so I simple chosen friend's attire, hoping she would accept it. And so when she did, I was glad.

It was funny how she sulked when I dismissed her offer to sleep in the same tent. She make it seem like wild beasts or golems would be dangerous to me at night. The truth was that she simply was scared to sleep alone, so after teasing her and getting deserved punch in the ribs, I let her sleep beside me, nudging her nose into my chest.

It was weird though, no matter how much time had passed since I awoken in this forest, separated with probably already dead Sylvia, I didn't really need much of a sleep - barely few hours a day and I didn't want to eat either. Well, I did eat a from the time to time but not so from the hunger. I didn't want to scare or worry the girl, who were pretty smart, sharp and curious for her age. And also for the mana boosts food gave me, somewhat dissolved into the pure energy and filled not only my mana core reservers, but apparently also the Aether. At least it was how Regis explained to me this weird, cold(sometimes warm) energy overflowing my body.

I sighed, looking down at sleeping girl and pondering how soon I will be able to see my parents. Apparently we will arrive to the teleportation gates tomorrow, but I highly doubt it would be that easy to go back.

Because from the time to time I was still getting these painful moments when I feel like stabbed into my heart. Not only that, with each time these moments becomes stronger and stronger and it gets harder to stay concussions when it happening. Regis had explained me that It was due to my weak childish --albeit inhumane body that couldn't simple handle its aether and mana reserves, not to mention the beast will, apparently given me by Sylvia.

Yeah, that's right. Apparently I wasn't a human anymore but some kind of a higher being. Even superior to Asuras which where considered as gods by all races on our continent.

How did this happen - I had no Idea. Regis on the other hand without a doubts knew more than he said. He probably even knew why I suddenly transformed into somewhat godly being without any notice. But he didn't want to tell me for some reason. And I didn't want to force him either because I really wanted to be friends with my companion, who apparently will be by my side for the rest of my life in this world... which is, considering I wasn't human anymore, going to be very, very long.

Then again, its not like I wasn't glad to get more power. No, I really was excited-because the more power I had, more I could achieve in this world. After all, what kind of a King wouldn't wish for godly power to build the World of his own? Even if I wasn't a King anymore, I still could find a lot of use for my newly acquired powers.

But for starters, I needed to handle and strengthen my body which I couldn't really achieve on my own, nor Regis could help me. At least he said so.

So I had only two choices:

 1 - Is to seek help from elves, who apparently hated humans a lot but were good nation nonetheless

2 - Seek help from humans who could have way more ulterior motives than elves and probably would even want to use me for their needs. Not like I was sure Elves wouldn't do so, but for some reason(probably due to my knowledge of how dirty humans can be from the past life) I trusted them more than humans.

And so, I obviously decided to follow first choice. First off, since I wasn't human anymore but being considered a deity by all races, seeking help from the Elves would be best idea because, apparently, they have more knowledge in life magic and also wouldn't be so greedy as humans. No, where Humans would probably want to cheat, thinking that young naive deity wouldn't notice, Elves would just act because raising newborn deity and helping him is something considering a very honorable feet for them.

While it was selfish of me to cheat like this, using the fact that I suddenly wasn't human anymore, I didn't feel any remorse doing so since it was lesser evil for the greater good.

Then again, faster I grow faster I can achieve more things in this life, make people and, most importantly, my family happy.

Regardless, even choosing elves I still needed to find a mentor. How would I do it? Hell, how I even find someone? I was alone... well, I did rescue some unknown elven girl, but I highly doubt she is some kind of a runaway princess, right? Right?...

And why didn't I notice this laughing gleam in the eyes of my companion, who was lying, seemingly bored by the campfire back then?...


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