1. Time, part V

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Arthur Eralith-Leywin POV


[A/N: UPDATE 7/23/21: while some parts may look exactly like the old version of chapter, I fixed a lot of small things and rewrote some major parts, also included 'new' scenes that were cut off before. 

Enjoy x)]

After all my recent experience, letting the threads of spatitum feed information to me was becoming easier and easier, not to mention a process of "stepping" was also taking less toll on my body as it was before. Yet, when the world around shifted as my perception stretched and currents of aether appeared all around me, I couldn't help but feel like a crawling baby infant, who finally managed to take a first, shaky step in his life. While, certainly, each new one was definitely easier, lighter, better... it was far, far from somewhat acceptable, let alone good or perfect.

I sighed. Well, it still would be great if I could master this ability to the extent as if I was walking with my own two legs because just thinking about it makes me thrill in excitement! Really-I couldn't help but imagine what kind of a trumpcard would it be in the upcoming war if I will be able to teleport my elite forces in the back of the enemies and wipe them all out in one swift motion! After all, as long as there are no traitors that can spy my abilities out for Agrona and Alacrya, I could rest easy... Not to mention, the ability of teleportation really came in handy when traveling! - though... I clenched my teeth in irritation as I couldn't help but feel sad. Because, I really want to learn how to fly first... Or better yet, grow and hide parts of my body, like wings! After all, just one image of how gorgeous it would be, to have big, powerful Imposing wings, and fly freely in the sky, use wormholes with no obstacles and minimum calculation... Not only that was really baddas but I could also save more than half of my Aether reserves I spend on this ability right now!

I sighed, shaking my head, well, yeah. Imagination and dreams... if only they could be the truth...

"Technically it is possible. You can grow wings or even switch to a dragon vessel and back, if you desire so, little one. Though it would require a lot of attempts and learning, more like learning to walk when you were a baby—although you are still one~,"

I almost jumped out of my skin at Regis' teasing words when he popped out of my body and smirked at me playfully. Damn! That was really fast — I did not even register what was happening at first, because it was happening just too fast for me to even understand that moments of going through a wormhole ended a seconds ago! And we were already staying in the centre of the royal castle main hall, surrounded by surprised yelps of royal guards and personnel...

"Welcome home, your royal highness!..." Someone apparently welcomed me, but I was too taken aback by Regis' words so I didn't really pay my mind to the surroundings. Instead I stuttered, "Err~" not really knowing how to retort at his teasing - or whatever that was - at all. Though, a sudden image of myself in the form of a mighty dragon deity flew before my eyes as I blinked. Well... Yeah, it might be great, maybe... I clenched teeth at the thought of sharing something with these creatures, more so than I already have. Waving away these images as I glanced around, grumbling in irritation now and hissing at my first words, "What kind of teasing is that? And anyway! While it would certainly be entertaining... I don't want to look anything like these Asura of Indrath bastards, considering what you told me yesterday, Regis!.. Though I admit, I would like to learn how to grow wings."

"It wasn't teasing—Ah, but then I should correct something... Hm, anyway, it's decided! Learning to grow wings next then, little angel~" Regis saluted jokingly and smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and was about to retort on his words but was interrupted.

"Ahem~ While we do not wish to interrupt your conversation... Welcome home, Arthur, Regis."

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