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If I could describe the chambers I was led into with four words, I would choose something like: ridiculously large, elegant, rich. While the furnishings were simple enough, they were perfectly made and quite cozy. Well, damn, everything there looked cozy and relaxing. Even the floor - especially beside my bed - was made of strange elastic material, pretty pleasant on a touch.

Aside from being ridiculously large and cozy my chambers were divided in several parts, one of them apparently being something akin to training and meditation zone. And while the furnishings were rich and pleasant, there weren't too many of them as I'd imagined. Yet it felt perfect because I'd really hate to have suffocating rooms. Not that I really need a lot of space with my childish body, but still... It was more like a deal of estetic I had inherited from my past life.

I sighed as the elderly man beside me coughed and asked politely, "Sir, what would you like to do first? Would you like to take a bath?"

I pondered for a moment and then smiled at him, "No, actually I would like to take a long shower. Though your presence is not really necessary anymore, I can handle everything myself. You probably have a family to spend evening with anyway." Elf had clearly quite conflicted expression on his face but before he could retort something about this being his duty I shaked my head, unconsciously ruffling my own hair, "While I'm considered a newborn baby infant by an adult Asura - taking into the account our average lifespan - I'm not helpless enough to be in dire need to have someone at my side when I'm bathing or sleeping," I giggled at the image showed up in my head and tried to shake it off, "So, as I said you are pretty much free. Though I would like if you show how the shower works and also would like to make request to wake me up early in morning. Even if I'm somewhat exhausted right now, I do not require sleep as much as... other races children do."

At that elderly man's face softened and he smiled at me, probably charmed by not an arrogant and petulant godling how he probably already imagined me to be. Well, it's not like I tried hard. I simply wanted to make as many good expressions and memories about me while I'm here as I can, considering for how long I will be staying here.

"Even if your race does not require much sleep, children still need more bedtime. But considering how mature you are, sir, I won't press any further. Anyhow, the explanation wouldn't take much of a time - barely a few minutes seeing how smart you are," the man seemed to relax around me and even winked at me.

I just shrugged and followed him inside.

Elven shower was a pleasant surprise to say the least; it was simple waterfall which temperature and flow could be managed by a whim, simply manipulation of few mana-srtings attacked to amulets. After its turned on, water naturally flowed from the ceiling to the floor where it drained.

When elderly elf left I stripped and stepped under the waterfall hissing in pleasure. Dammed, after four months in a cave with cold water... Nevemind, after four years in this world I, for the first time, had a really good and pleasant shower.

While my body now - that I somehow became an asura, probably by Sylvia's doing, whatever she did to me when she struck my core - didn't really need to be cleaned up, seeing as pure mana always kept it clean, I still could sweat and smell. And, damn, even If I didn't need it completely I would still take this shower everyday just because of the warm pleasure it brings to my body and helps me to relax. And think.

Everything went well. Way more than I ever imagined it would be. Still, I couldn't help but be bothered about some things. Like how that old man, Viron, saw me through from the beginning? How? I concealed my presence perfectly. It shouldn't have been possible and yet he did. What kind of a beast will he have?

That all brings up many questions.

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