1. Time, part II

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Learning the so-called "Step of a God" or simplified "godstep" as Regis called it nonchalantly was a really good thing to do. More importantly, easiest. First off, this ability was in many ways just an enhanced version of a "Burst Step". Second off, I already had the rune that resembled this ability(along with many others) engraved onto my body and all I needed to do was basically infuse my entire body with Aether, make a few calculations and jump through channels that greatly resembled wormholes.

Quite easy.

And dangerous.

Wrong calculation at worst could kill you.

Then again, no pain - no gain. All I needed to use this ability was to be careful and maintain calm, so it wasn't that hard. Plus this ability did make traveling a lot easier. I could teleport long distances almost on a whim. Or reach the top of a mountain, for example, if I wished so.

Not to mention, this ability with enough experience — which sadly I still yet to obtain — could become the bloodiest weapon I had against anyone, using element of surprise, including Asura's who could only wield aether as a weapon. Well, and maintain Realmheart that basically was natural for me. All I did to enter that state is just channeling Aether through my body.

After all, these idiots claimed that forming Aether Core was impossible.

Well, I had. Though I did not know how, nor if it was Sylvia's doing. Still, I had both mana and aether core, but seeing as it was formed into one object, I could simply call it a "Core" to avoid confusion.

Though, -forgetting about the chance of painful death this ability, godstep, had great downsides. At least for now. For example, with my current aether reserves I could barely make five godsteps at the same time and after had to recharge. Also I traveled with companions - nevermind Regis, seeing as he could seat himself inside my body, it drained quite a bit more aether to use such ability, so numbers falled to three or two, matter of a count.

And since I'm now a royal prince of the Kingdom of Elenoir, Tessia's fiance, I had to maintain my image and have at least two escorts with me.

Not that I really was upset about it. I wasn't arrogant enough to say I did not need an escort. Why? Well, even If I had a lot of rough power that still needs a lot of years of time to polish and learn, I cannot win all-out combat against lances or highest Kin's Glaives, just because second ones have a lot of battle experience, and first ones were even stronger than me, seeing as I was still on a silver stage of mana manipulation (let's call it that, since I do have two cores in one.) and they were on a White stage.

"Not to sound impatient, my lord, but wouldn't it be wise for us to reach the Kingdom of Elenoir before the sunset? After all, tomorrow morning is a meeting between the royal families of Eralith and Glayder's," the calm, yet stern voice of one of my companions drifted away my thoughts as my consciousness snapped back to reality.

Opening my eyes I deeply sighed and stretched a bit, still not leaving my meditation pose.

"We already completed our mission, lady Alea," I grumbled with some irony in my voice, "As such, while I appreciate your concern, I still think that you shouldn't worry or hurry much. Calm down, relax and appreciate the scenery. Besides! I do not require much sleep to maintain my consciousness so even if we are late I will still be able to take part in tomorrow's meeting."

I could feel her gaze bore holes in me. While this particular Elven Woman had a gentle appearance, she still was a stern seasonal warrior with strong character. And it took a lot of willpower for me not to flinch and maintain calm appearance, as I yawned lazily and laid down on soft green grass, not bothering to look at her.

"Arthur is right, Alea," suddenly another sudden voice chipped in, ruining the calm silence of the forest's mountain. It was Aya Grephin. Opening my eyes a bit I could see her sitting on a thick branch of an oak tree meters behind us. I couldn't help but giggle. Not even bothering to look back at Alea, I knew what kind of a glare she just shot at her associate, while Aya just smirked at her, as if feeling victorious, and then suddenly locked eyes with me. Her face softened a bit as she smiled and said, "Tsk. Common, Alea, why are you so dense-tense around him? The boy himself said that we should call him by name."

"While I appreciate your concern, I hardly find it appropriate to call a deity, -forgetting about him being the fiance of our princess just for a minute, by name."

I rolled my eyes, still looking at Aya and then shrugged, not even bothering to comment Alea's line. Really, that woman annoyed me a lot with all that subordination she showed around me. I tried to tell them to lose up a little since I couldn't care less about my public appearance in private affairs anyway. Besides, we were damn associates right now. Seeing as we were sent on a mission with clearing a high ranking dungeon and some areas from the dangerous beasts.

So, closing my eyes I didn't even noticed how I dozed off only to be awake a-what-seemed-to-be-minute later by soft pat on my shoulder and Aya's voice, "What do you think, Art?"

I blinked, looking into pitch-black eyes with confusion, "What?"

"We asked a 'mister-does-not-requiring-much-sleep' if public appearance should really be maintained in private."

"Er?... No?" I blinked at her, fighting urge to roll my eyes. But after I understood that she wouldn't break this stare contest, I sighed in defeat and sheepishly admitted, getting up a bit, "Fine, I need a sleep, I guess. Seeing how much I drained my mana and aether. I guess, while physically I do not need much sleep, draining my reserves makes me a bit sleepy."

"Forget it. Princess will never admit his weakness to anyone no matter how much you interrogate or even torture him," Regis' voice suddenly chipped in. I unwittingly looked up to find a twelve-year-old boy with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Right, I forgot to mention. When my Aether reserves became larger, Regis became able to transform into a human form that greatly resembles my own body, albeit being older and having pitch black hair and amber eyes.

"Shaddap," I rolled my eyes, annoyed and not bothered by giggles and snickering around me.

Not at all.


Not at all, because I couldn't care less about suddenly giggling Alea, who always was an "untouchable cold subordinate" of mine. Yes, definitely...

 "Anyway..." I coughed awkwardly, "Let's head back then?" 


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