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"Shhh... you will leak my hideout," the warmth of Jimin's finger funneled to my lips, his breath tickled my face as he cut the distance between us. "Where is Hobi?" I had no idea who he was talking about until the memory of the mysterious man I met a short while ago resurfaced.

"If you refer to a blond guy, I think you are safe now." Jimin let out a huge sigh, relief was plainly painted on his visage as a mouse that outran a cat. "Why are you hiding from him? Is he your foe or what?"

"No, we are more like bosom friends. It just I have suffered enough from his strict practice."

"Is he in the same department as you?"

"Yeah, we are in the same year but his aptitude can make my professors insecure. Today I asked his favor to tutor me, yet I somewhat regret my decision."


"You can say Hobi is a bright sun on a sunny day who turns into a fierce thunder when he plays a role as a private teacher." Jimin's depiction of Hobi somehow reminded me of Professor Namjoon when he dealt with undisciplined students.

"Hobi seems to be a prodigy, but I strongly believe that the man in front of me is a potential treasure."

"You are talking like you have seen me dance."

"I haven't." I bluntly admitted.

"What if I show you?" Jimin smiled invitingly. My mouth parted open to utter something but the words had to be stuck in my throat as a sudden strident stole my attention.

"Y/n!" the distinct raspiness contained in the voice made me instantly recognize the culprit.

"It is Jisoo, she must be looking for me." I bid Jimin goodbye, taking the stance to turn around before a tight grip in my arm ceased my movement.

"Who gave you permission to leave, hm? You are under contract to be my personal assistant today." I had no time to protest since Jimin was already pulling me along with a vigor I couldn't handle.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"Somewhere secluded where no one can hear your scream."

"Something from your words only urges me to scream at the top of my lungs right now."

"Then you won't like what I will do to those sugary lips of yours to keep you quiet."

I clamped my mouth shut and silently followed close behind. Jimin was likely far from the type of person who likes doing something reckless, so I might as well comply wherever he guided me.

After roaming through the campus like forever, we eventually managed to set our foot in the Faculty of Performing Arts. It was my first time seeing the construction this close and I would frankly express my astonishment for how sumptuous the structure was standing solidly before my eyes. It resembled a series of boxes stacked haphazardly on top of one another with cube-like windows as embellishment.

The two of us were greeted by certain kinds of gazes as soon as we got into the building. Some random guys goggled at me for a few long seconds, whereas a bunch of girls behaved as if they wanted to exterminate my existence with their hostile glares. Bet Jimin had a little fan club here.

An unpleasant feeling gnawed at my gut and fortunately, Jimin took me to the less occupied area in double-quick time. The '5' button lit up once we hopped in the elevator. I glanced down and found Jimin's hand entangled in mine. Did he hold me all this time? I shook my head with incredulity, trying to toss away the hogwash but the fact that my tummy did a weird flop at the thought was unassailable.

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