option ; a

514 19 41

this was the option with the most votes, do you guys think it's the right choice?

a ; stay with sakusa.

listen to provided song above while reading for better overall experience.

y/n pov

No, it's too risky.

I'll stay with him.

We've been through this much together already, I'm sure we can endure a little more?

You sighed softly as you started walking behind him, after checking the bathroom light a couple times to make sure you had turned it off. You never know--there could be a power outage on the ship while it's on the water because the light was using too much electricity.

Of course, it still didn't make sense to you, but you did it nonetheless.

It took a decent amount of time to get to the front of the ship, and that was where you saw Kiyoomi starting to get a little worried.

"How do we get through the guards? They'll check our faces." He pondered, all the while you were looking around the port.

I can't believe I actually lived here.

It's so.. 



I knew Tokyo had a lot of people, but I didn't remember it ever being this many.

Especially at some port area, it just doesn't make sense.

Oh, well.

It's not my problem.

Sakusa knows what he's doing.

You allowed a small smile to form on your face and you turned to him.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you can figure something out." You hummed reassuringly.

You seemed different.



Not in the slightest.

More like some form of toxic-positivity.

What's that?

Remember when you took that one mental health class?

You scratched at the back of your thumb, trying to remember.

It took a moment, but it came to you nonetheless.




"Miss L/n, can you please sit up straight in your seat? This is important information." Your teacher said for the third time.

You scoffed lightly, although you did so.

Just for the sake of keeping his mouth shut.

"Thank you. Now, onto our next subject of conversation." He grumbled.

Resting your head on your hand, you held a pencil up to take notes as the male teacher spoke.

"Toxic positivity." He began. "It's always a good thing to be happy, but when that happiness stops you from realizing what's going on in your environment, it can become a problem."

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