07: Going Forward

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We walked into my house together. 

"Did y'all have fun looking at that beautiful view?" My mom asked happily. 

I looked at her with panic in my eyes.

"As always, Mrs. R." Matt said. I was already doing a terrible job at whatever this is. Mom smiled and continued cleaning up after some mess the twins apparently made. Dad was outside trimming the hedges. 

"Do you mind if I take a nap, Matt? I am kinda tired. Want to hang out later tonight?" I asked him. 

He agreed. He helped me get situated and he went back to his house. Moments afterward, I got a text from him: 

Hey Jack.  My heart is racing. I know you're scared, I could tell that by what happened with your mom. It's going to be okay though. May I still bring some McFlurries and we can watch movies tonight? 

I told him we were still on for more ice cream and movies. I was so excited.

I dozed off into a nap. 


Around 11:30, Matt came in with the ice cream. The twins were still up so I told them they could watch the movie with us. Matt talked and joked around with them, but I could tell he was disappointed. We were about to get a lot of alone time starting tomorrow night, though. I would rather spend time with my siblings while I get the chance. 

We put in a horror movie this time: Sinister. I had never seen this movie before but Matt said he watched it with Maggie and Mark in theaters and it was good. 

About 45 minutes in the twins decided it was "past their bedtime" (i.e. they were scared out of their minds) so they went to bed. 

As soon as they were out of sight, I felt a pair of two gentle eyes looking at me. 

"May I help you?" I laughed at Matt. He put his arm around me and pulled in a little, trying to get me to rest my head on his shoulder. I gave in, and let me say it felt amazing to rest my head on his shoulder. He laid his head on my head and we watched the movie together. He always gripped me tighter during the scary parts, which I loved. It made me feel safe. 

We cuddled throughout the rest of the movie, not talking at all, just being there with one another. I was at peace. I could tell this was real. He would caress my arm with his thumb every now and then and I wanted to kiss him so badly. 

Eventually I put my arm around his back. 

We heard footsteps coming downstairs and abruptly put about three feet of space between us. It was my dad. 

"You boys behaving down here?" He asked jokingly. I froze. 

"Nope Mr. R we never are." Matt said. He was a professional at this. My dad got some water out of the fridge and went back upstairs. Once we heard my parents' door shut again, Matt looked over at me. 

"We don't have to try if you don't want to. I can tell how much it bothers you when your parents are around. What are you afraid of exactly? They've never struck me as homophobes." Matt said. 

"They aren't," I answered, "But do you not see what's at risk? Matt I have 6 siblings that look up to me, you have 5. Our families do everything together, we are practically like one big family. You and I have always been best friends. Do you not see how this would impact our families?" I was almost getting  mad at how careless he seemed to be. 

"You said you are in love with me," Matt replied. He was looking deep into my eyes. It felt like he was looking past them and trying to see my thoughts. 

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