10: Peep Show

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I closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower after we got back from our run. Matt and I had kissed, and I was still on a high from that. We talked about "us" on the run back and it feels like we are gravitating toward being an item. When I am with him it seems like the right thing to do, but when I am by myself I only question what will happen if we break up.

I started to take off my clothes when I realized I didn't get a towel out of my room, so I put them back on and opened the bathroom door. Right across the hallway from the bathroom is Matt's room, and poor Matt thought I was in the shower. When I opened the door, I gasped when I saw him in his room, standing, facing away from me, with no clothes on. He looked back at the sound and jumped and quickly picked up his nearest shirt to cover his butt.

"Jack! I was changing!" He was laughing. He looked a little nervous.

"Funny the moon looks a lot different in here than it did on our run," I joked back.

I had seen his butt plenty of times, and usually it was fine, but all of sudden I felt weird. Seeing him naked when we are talking, and just kissed 45 minutes ago for the first time in our 24 years of being best friends, it just felt weird. Like I was a dirty pervert. It was plump, hairy, cute. Why was I thinking these things?

While I took my shower my head was swirling with thoughts. I hadn't even considered sexual things with Matt. He's my best friend in the entire world, for crying out loud. I can't do that with him! The more I thought about it though, the more aroused I was getting. I didn't know what was happening. Less than an hour ago we had the most innocent love ever, and now I feel like a cat in heat or something just because I saw his butt. I hardly know how two men make love to each other, but I was thinking about doing that with Matt. What that would look like, how that would feel. Touching him, being inside him, him inside me. What is happening to me? Am I going through puberty all over again? Why am I thinking about Matt like this?

I had to get this out of my system. I finished my shower as quickly as I could and headed straight to my room. I didn't know what was going through my head but I needed these hormones to calm down right now so I could hang out with Matt without being so.... primal I guess.

I started touching myself, trying to finish as quickly as I could. In the moment, I let myself think about Matt. I thought about his adorable butt and his body. How he was my best friend and how much he cared about me. I had never seen an image of two men making love, but I tried my best to imagine him on top of me, just looking into my eyes and telling me he loves me. I was breathing heavy, and I started to finish, when all of a sudden my door (that I idiotically forgot to lock) flung open.

"Hey Peeping Jack I meant to tell--" Matt looked at me as I was spraying all over my stomach. He saw it all, my legs, my privates, the finishing product flying onto my stomach. He looked absolutely terrified. He glanced at my privates and then back at my face, my eyes probably looked at him like he was holding a gun to my head. This had to be an image he never wanted to see. We've seen each other's butts before, but we have never seen each other's privates. Especially not in the way he had just seen them.

"Sorry" he said very quickly, and turned around and shut the door.

I cleaned myself off and put on pajamas and locked the door. I laid in my bed, my face hot as lava. This was so embarrassing. If were just best friends, this would have been awful. But we are talking, just admitted feelings to each other a few weeks ago, just kissed over an our ago, and he just saw me explode all over myself. I wanted to cry. I mean all guys do this, but we haven't even talked about sex or anything related to it, and he just saw me finish on myself!

I stayed in my room for another hour, and then was starving. So I braved a walk to the kitchen. Guess who was there, eating cereal at our dining table.

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