12: Temporary Rhythm

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I woke up in Matt's arms, still on the couch. He was the big spoon and I felt so cozy cuddling next to him. I looked at our living room wall, just thinking about our date last night. It was perfect. I laid there for about 30 minutes, just taking in the moment and feeling Matt's arms around me. Eventually he woke up and kissed the back of my head.

"Morning cutie," Matt said, positioning himself to give me a kiss on the lips.

"Morning handsome," I smiled, as I looked up at him, lost in his handsome features. I guess to some he might just be a 6/10 but to me I couldn't get over his gentle eyes and messy short-ish hair.

He rubbed my five-o-clock-shadow and kissed me on the cheek.

"Wanna go get breakfast?" he asked.

Thirty seconds later we were out the door, no shower, no brushed teeth, just two hungry, messy guys who have known each other their entire lives and who love each other.

We went to a local breakfast joint and were very couply the whole time. While we waited for our food Matt occasionally put his hand on mine and was a total sweetheart. It was weird doing this out in public but after that date last night it didn't matter to me if people thought it was strange.

"Finally," Matt said, hinting at the "Employee's Only" door. Our waitress was coming with our giant plate of french toast we would share.

"Here's more pieces of french toast than I can count!" she said. "Do y'all need more to drink?"

We said no, and she started to walk away, but then came back.

"Can I just say I think you two are adorable?" she asked.

We both laughed and Matt grabbed my hand again.

"Do we get a discount for this?" he asked.

She laughed too and proceeded to tell us that she has a 30 year old brother who is gay and his boyfriend refuses to do anything in public.

"I just think it's great that you two are willing to be yourselves despite the fact that many close-minded people might not approve. And I can tell you two are really happy."

"Yeah," I said, looking at Matt, "we are. At least I am. Not gonna put words in Matt's mouth, not that they would fit."

The waitress (Tori) and I laughed as Matt smiled with an entire piece of french toast in his mouth. She left to go help another table and I just smiled at Matt and laughed a little.

"You're adorable," I said to him. He turned bright red and smiled big.

"Love you," he said, smiling and stuffing his face with more french toast.

"Me? 'Cause you were looking at the french toast when you said that," I laughed.

We finished breakfast and headed to the library together. We both had some final projects to do to finish up grad school and needed to think about jobs.

As I looked at my resume, it hit me that Jack and I were only guaranteed to be in the same area for two more weeks when graduation happened.

"Hey Jack?" I asked, "What are you thinking about New York?" since that's where he's wanted to move for a while now.

"I don't know, I've been stressing about that," he said, "I really wanna live there but I wasn't expecting these past few weeks to ever come true outside my dreams," he laughed nervously.

"Well, I am really enjoying where this is going with us. But I know I'd be an ass to try and make sure we end up in the same place. Let's just apply to whatever we want, and not ask each other for an opinion. Not to be lame, but I want to support you wherever you end up."

Matt looked up from his screen, he looked tired but happy. "Thanks Jack." he kept his gaze on me for a few more seconds and just smiled at me. It made me feel good.

We stayed at the library for a few hours and then went for a walk around the town. We walked by the river, holding hands the whole time. It was strange how quickly we were okay with things like holding hands off-campus. In the back of my mind I hoped we didn't see anyone we knew but at the same time I didn't care. I was the luckiest person on the planet right now getting to hold Matt's hand.

We were having a lot of fun and taking this whole thing slow, but part of me is nervous that we will end up in different places a month from now. I would be willing to distance with Matt, but it would be hard as hell to not see him every day. I've really been in my comfort zone having him around me all the time, especially ever since we told each other how we felt toward one another. I would be heartbroken if he went to NYC.

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