1: Who are you?

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Small TW: Slight anxiety(?)

(Ranboo POV)

I got up, dreading the day that came ahead. "My first day of school! Splendid.." I muttered to myself. I grabbed my glasses, they had thin black frames and the lenses were red and green, and started getting ready.

After taking a shower, I got dressed in my green hawaiian shirt and ripped jeans with white converses. The good news about my new school was that on the way there, there was a coffee shop. I looked at my phone to google the way to the hellhole place called 'school'. "I'll just get something from there," I said, then started out the door.

(Tommy POV)

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, BITCH?" I yelled, after somebody shook me awake. It was Tubbo. Damn it.. Now I feel bad. "Sorry Tubz, I thought you were Wilbur." There was a small pause, then they replied "Oh, it's okay. But you slept in a little, and now we are going to be late if you don't hurry." WHAT? SHIT. "SHIT- AND- AND PISS-" I rushed up and grabbed my clothes to go change.

(Ranboo POV)

I got to school all fine, until I entered. I can feel everyone's eyes on me- I need to get away- Fast- I rushed my way through the people, and entered the bathroom, eyes feeling like they were going to start crying.

(Tubbo POV)

"Hey Tommy, can we go to the school lunch room? I never ate anything today." I said, kind of embarrassed. "Sure Tubz," He said, grabbing my arm to lead me there. There wasn't a lot of choices, but in the end we decided on those weird mini pancakes. "Disgusting..." I heard Tom mutter, and nodded in agreement. I looked up to see a very tall- person?

(Ranboo POV)

I found my way to the- lunch room?- Where is my homeroom, surely this isn't it. Where am- "Hello there, tall man!" I was startled, but answered "I'm sorry, who are you?" in the calmest voice I could. "Oh! I'm Tubbo, and this is my brother Tommy!" The 'Tommy' person smiled at me, but also seemed mad.

"Do you guys know where Ms. Puffy's room is? She's my homeroom, but I can't find it.." I saw Tommy get a glow in his eye, and glanced over to Tubbo. "Yes! She's our homeroom also! You can follow us!" Tubbo said, enthusiastically. The two of them threw away their food and we started for the classroom.

Hey everyone!  Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! The next one will be either later tonight or tomorrow! I live in the EST timezone, so expect a chapter anywhere from 9am-9pm everyday. Sorry for the short-ish chapter, the next one should be longer. Have a great day, stay hydrated and remember to eat! Take care of yourself. Bye!! :D

 476 words :)

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