9. Coming out Pt.2

368 15 7

TWs: Abuse, Blood, Hospitals

angst warning, again. sorry! :L

(Ranboo POV)

tommy: theyre entering in. i'm coming in too, see you soon.

"PLEASE" I screamed. I was bleeding and getting a tad lightheaded from screaming how I did.

I heard some yelling from downstairs, and from what it seems, they are looking for mother. 

tommy: do you know where your mother is? and is it safe for me to get to you?
me: she is in the garage, and yes it should be safe but be careful.

Some footsteps were coming closer, in a running manner. Probably Tommy. Whoever it was tried to open the door to the closet.

"Who is it...?" I asked.
"It's me! Please open the door." Tommy responded.
Carefully, I opened it to be greeted with a shocked expression from my friend.

I honestly can't remember all that happened, all I remember is her throwing two knives, slapping me, and me running. Was there something else..?
"Did she get arrested..? Is she gone?"
"Not yet.. They said she has locked herself in the garage, but they are almost there.."
Tommy was using is comfort voice, which made me feel better, but at the same time, this has been a hell of a few hours and I can't- 

few hours?

"Tommy, what time is it?"
"Uhh, 3:30."
Didn't I start at 12:20..?
What happened...

"C-can we go.. My legs and arms hurt.. I feel like I'm going to pass out any minute.."
"In a minute, Ranboo. As much as I want to leave this place right away and get you help, we have to wait for then to get to your 'mother'."
Someone came in saying that an ambulance was on it's way.

We heard the paramedic arrive, and I was being taken to the hospital. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo were there with me, and my mother had gotten arrested. Thank goodness.

"Hey guys..."
"Yeah, boo?"
"Thanks for everythinnn...."


/j, continue reading now :)

(Tommy POV

"Thanks for everythinnn...."
"Ranboo? Boo??" I said, holding their hand gently.

"He's okay, just passed out due to stress most likely. High pressure situations like that tend to cause people to pass out due to the things that made them stressed during it. He should wake up in an hour or 3, any of those." One of the nurses said.
We nodded.

around 2 and a half hours later :)

(Ranboo POV)

I woke up to a family talking to some doctors. I looked around to see Tommy asleep, holding my hand. I gently squeezed it, so he'd know I was up again.

He bolted up, saw me and smiled, then just help my hand a bit harder, but not so hard that it hurt. 

"Doc, they're awake." Tommy said, smiling. 


Yeah, hope you enjoyed! I didn't really have much to add to this one, so  it was more on the short side. next chapters will be longer, i promise :)

have a great day, stay safe, eat, drink water, sleep, do whatever you need to do. i love you all /p and you are cared for. have a great day!! <3

- 525 words :)

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